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Firefly 1x8 FULL LENGTH Reaction (Hulu Version) | Out of Gas




I think it's the feeling of family that really brings people to love this show. These are people from all over the 'verse, from completely different walks of life, but they all come together on one ship. They all respect and love each other in their own way (with maybe the exception of Jayne). This episode we get to see everyone's introduction to that family, I think that's one of the reasons that everyone loves it.

Nathanael Fuller (Polygon Wizard)

Out of Gas is constructed in such a slick and beautiful way. The way it weaves in and out of the flashbacks is so well done. It manages to be a stand out episode in a show full of stand out episodes. Love that we got treated to more than one "wait what am I seeing" reactions from you when mustachioed Wash appeared and when you realized it was Kaylee in the flashback. I think the surprising character backstories are what makes this episode special. Glad that you had a lot of fun with this episode. Several more great episodes are coming in the back half of the season. Can't wait to see what you think of them.

Kevin C

Yep, this is my favorite, but there’s still a lot of highs to go. I love that you were able to figure out some of the ways things would go, with air running out without gas, and the shuttles. Great job! I have a feeling you’ve already seen it…but if you haven’t, you should definitely watch (and do a reaction to) Apollo 13. Because that was very real, and the reaction to “Make it fit” just hits different.

Prof Moff

Top level story telling. I endured this the first time in the original order and it was early on in the one season so I liked but not loved the characters yet. I did really appreciate this second+ watches in the correct order.


It was a beautiful story. I love it so much. Great mug! I remember what it says. 😄 “I aim to misbehave” is from the movie. You’re “more of a Kaylee personally”? Well alright. 👍 “I figured the best route to go was to play up her innocence, her frankness, and her warmth more than anything. 'Out of Gas' put me straight on the whole innocence thing, so after that I added horny flirt to her repertoire.”~ Jewel on Kaylee “I remember shooting the scene where Mal wakes up…We were picking on each other and laughing and crying and it’s how I feel about us- we are a family. It’s the story of who we are.” ~Summer Tim Minear said Mal going down with the ship was not some old Sea Captain chivalry, but rather “I’m not leaving it, not when there’s a chance of saving it.” From the shooting script: Across the lot sits Serenity, dirty, a bit broken down…and silently speaking to Mal. Off that- BLACK OUT Joss said “you see it(Serenity) across a crowded room, like Tony and Maria from West Side Story. And that’s probably the most romantic introduction of them all. “ Yes, love at first sight. 🧡🧡🧡 I just found out there’s an orange 🧡. My favorite color and my favorite flavor. 🤓

Nathaniel Castle

Such a good episode and the line ‘I seen it clear as day when I was on my back before’ will be forever scarred in my brain. This is definitely in my top 3 episodes Which is weirdly this and the next two!

Nathaniel Castle

One of the things I love is that things get bad (and I mean really bad) you can see Captain Malcolm Reynolds turn into Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds

Ian from wine country

Mal was absolutely right to slam Wash against the wall like that. I former Navy, and rank structure in times of crisis when there is no help available is crucial. The captain HAS to be 100% in charge to ensure survival. It's basically the way Jayne put it. To paraphrase, "If you (do it your way), we all die". Oh, and it took me a long time to realize the episode title is a double entendre. "Out of Gas" like your vehicle isn't going anywhere, but also like a lack of oxygen.


After the cast found out that Firefly was cancelled, they were all behind Joss Whedon and Tim Minear trying to save it or bring it back. Alan Tudyk took that big red button off of the Serenity set from this episode, gave it to them and said, "When you get your miracle, hit that button and we'll all come back."

Onno Smits

Next episode is my personal favourite, but this one sure is a banger!


Re: Tetris lamp 😈 Well, lady, I must say... you're my kind of 😈😈😈😈


It's really hard to pick a "favorite" episode in this series but this really is in the top 2 or 3. The writing and story was a great way to give a lot of the characters an origin story as well as a way to help develop the crews' interpersonal relationships. The use of lighting was amazing, using soft & warm, yellow lighting to show the past\origin memories, using harsh & cold blue lighting to show the future, and the more normal lighting to show in between. And the direction & editing was just really good. Amazing reaction!