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John Wick Chapter 2 FULL LENGTH Reaction




Will you do a John Wick 3 reaction?

Jake Smith

Ruby Rose's character (Ares) is there as a contrast to Common's character (Cassian). Cassian gets the 'professional courtesy' in that when he's defeated, John left him in a state where it's possible he could survive. With Ares, she also gets stabbed in the heart in the same way and John just pulls it out.


I don’t blame him 😂 Cassian and him are very similar. She’s not. The middle finger, crotch grab and then one hell of an underwhelming performance… she didn’t seem important at all.

Bubba Fett

The thing I love about this series is while the first one was great and sets a tone. They could have just mailed in the sequels and said you're gonna like it because it's john wick. Instead they did a great job building off the first one while digging into his back story and world building on top of good independent stories that flow off of each other.

Patrick Egan

There's a LOT to like about John Wick 2. It's even more beautifully shot than the first one, for starters. And I love how they showed us more of the world of the Continental and the High Table. The montage in Italy when he's shopping for new gear was fun, watching him shop for weapons with the Sommelier was one of the highlights of the whole movie for me. But what it was lacking was the heart of the first movie. John's motivation for most of the second movie is anger, not grief. And while Iosef Tarasov was a little turd who deserved what he got, his father Viggo was at least a little sympathetic. Even though he was trying to kill John Wick, his motivation of trying to keep his son alive is at least understandable. Plus the actor who played him, Michael Nyqvist(may he rest in peace, sadly) was very charismatic and commanded the screen well. Santino unfortunately was never very compelling as a character. We mildly disliked him for calling in his marker on John, and once he double-crossed John he was nothing more than a weasel. I haven't actually watched the third one yet, I better get to that so I'll be ready when your reaction to it arrives :)


I love how much care is put into the world building, and they continue this in JW3. This series is one of my all time fav trilogies, endlessly rewatchable, fun, easy to get caught up in the lore. The entire Italy sequence is phenomenal. Also love how cordial that this underworld is. John is expecting to die when summoned, and goes without hesitation, accepting of the consequences. He fulfilled his marker and kept Santino from taking NYC…but given the chance to live, an hour head start, his attitude changes from acceptance of the end, to bring it!


As a New Yorker... they definitely take liberties with the subway stations. For example, the enter at Lincoln Center but they are magically in the World Trade Center Mall/Station by the PATH trains... they somehow leave that station Eastward (J,Z trains) towards Brooklyn and Queens despite being by the PATH trains to NJ .... BUT as made apparent by the ADR they went out of their way to add, they go by Canal St (which isnt continuous with the PATH trains) and shortly approach the final stop which technically should be Broad St further west on Manhattan. Ultimately it's just a movie lol... it doesn't kill my experience. It's just stuff I notice after the fact.