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House of the Dragon 1x1 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Heirs of the Dragon



Christophe Schannes

Oh yay, I didn't know you were going to do this show, cool, I'm up for rewatching it with you 👍🏻

BiPolar HoneyBear

Really don't get these kinds of shows. So much horrendous brutality simply for shock and spectacle, really sad


It's a refreshing change to actually watch someone who "gets it". It also helps when you share a similar love for our favourite danger noodle, Caraxes :D Looking forward to your in-depth analysis and theories going forward!


There's not really something to "get", you're just not into the way something is portrayed in a creative work. Some people are, some people aren't. It's not some objective thing one way or another. That's okay, it's just not for you. One of the best things about the current age of streaming/entertainment is that there is so much variety and availability that pretty much everyone can find their kind of stories that draw them in.

FullMetal B

Oohh I didn't expect this!


Oooof. I tried it, but it’s just not for me. I couldn’t bring myself to finish the season. I wish you well with this one. 👍🏼


There are far worse shows for pointless brutality, in this show the violence almost always has a thematic or story purpose.

FullMetal B

Man, getting this reaction with the fantastic acting and superb dialogue after the expanse is like getting a large cool beer after eating nothing but mouthfuls of sand. Ooooof.


I totally get it. I think I can appreciate the story enough that the brutality is mostly warranted. There are reason so show characters behaving a particular way. It makes you get their motivations and mindsets… nothing like castration to show how far a character is willing to go (Daemon and Ramsey).


DANGER NOODLE 🐉 It may take me a couple episodes to really get super end up because there’s so much information to digest. But I’m sure I’ll be breaking it down and irritating a lot of people lol.

Chris Eggert

Love that you're reacting to this too! Love the Expanse reactions, glad you're staying invested in quality TV! Have you watched Better Call Saul already, by chance?


You and I disagree, FullMetal...but that's okay. As I said, HotD just wasn't for me; I tried. I *am* glad that you and others enjoyed it, and that should be your takeaway.

William (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 13:22:24 Many, many other reactions & discussions of yours for me to enjoy, which is rad. Enjoy the show! 🐉
2022-11-15 17:31:56 Many, many other reactions & discussions of yours for me to enjoy, which is rad. Enjoy the show! 🐉

Many, many other reactions & discussions of yours for me to enjoy, which is rad. Enjoy the show! 🐉

FullMetal B

I get what you mean! All we can do is try. I tried with the expanse and woo boy. That was rough. I guess "ooof" was just what my main takeaway was lol.


We all like what we like, right? No worries. 👍🏼


The Expanse is FAR superior to GOT and HOTD. I’d give it another try, you are missing some amazing shit 🖤

FullMetal B

I think we are all agreeing to disagree today! I might be in the wrong place lol


There’s nothing wrong with that. We aren’t required to agree on art - that’s the beauty of it. It’s all subjective. 😉

BiPolar HoneyBear

Yeah you're right. Watching women get pretend raped for entertainment isn't how I enjoy myself

Jason Mennel

Wish I could get into HotD but kind of repelled by anything GRRM these days. As a huge fan of the GoT book series it feels like gross negligence on his part and a great disservice to readers with him not giving attention to finishing the books. Like as if Michelangelo completed 60% of each of his paintings in the Sistine Chapel and said "yeah... I'm good with that, see ya" Glad you and many others are enjoying another work of art though :)

Christophe Schannes

I get that, and yeah, George is frustrating for sure. I'm kind of of two minds when it comes to question of whether he "owes" anything to the fans or not but at any rate, it sure seems like lack of energy because of old age isn't really the issue for him with all of the side projects he's got going. But anyway, it's like you said, I don't really feel like not watching the show has any benefits. I can watch it and still hope for Winds of Winter.

Philip Doherty

I understand the frustration. I'd recommend checking it out though. In my opinion it was uncomfortably great. Not something to watch if you are vulnerable though. Episode 1 was rough...

Philip Doherty

Hey BiPolar HoneyBear. I found some times in this I didn't want to relive, or even rewatch/ see reactions of, I'd argue something about art and separating good from enjoyable but that's not my purpose here. This is seriously a tough watch. I hope you are ok and looking after yourself. All the best.


@BiPolar HoneyBear It seems like the messaging and points of the stories and characters in these shows (and consequently the books) kind of goes way over your head, to be honest. It might be better to reserve such harsh criticisms for things you have a bit more knowledge and understanding about, with all due respect. Thanks.

BiPolar HoneyBear

Yeah I am just not into watching rape. Maybe rape is something you like but personally it's not for me

BiPolar HoneyBear

Yeah maybe the purpose of romantacising pedophilia and rape in general just isn't my thing. Apparently you like watching rape and pedophilia but I don't. Difference of taste I guess


The hard part about that is not having any reactions for the first five seasons… Just all of a sudden showing up for the sixth season sometimes those people off