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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 9 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Created Feelings




Sending you a virtual hug, you need a support stuffed animal to hug, maybe Appa? Ok see you on the next episode😬

Wayfaring Seamstress - Megan Kelly

Fun fact: Hiromu Arakawa (the creator, mangaka) grew up on a dairy farm. She has strong feelings about milk, and every one of her works features it is some way.


I too think it is way too much of those extreme ANIME expression scenes. I don't remember them being a problem when I was a kid though. This series feels different somehow, less story and different music. Are there two different FMA's?


Yes, FMA was made much earlier and has different art and story, plus many less manga reaction moments due to not being as faithful to the manga as Brotherhood, which came later and is very faithful


Not a spoiler. To clear something up. Fuhrer King Bradley (Fuhrer is his title. His first and last name is King Bradley so you can actually call him King if you want to. Ed call him King Bradley) commands all military personnel in the country. Including all state alchemists who hold a special military rank. With the exception of Tucker, every single alchemist you have seen in the series so far was sent to participate in the extermination of Ishval regardless of their opinions on it. Including Armstrong.