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Doctor Who 1x7 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Long Game - AMAZON/DVD




I did notice the plaque for the first time this video! Simon Pegg is always great, but for me the standout of this episode is Christine Adams as Cathica. I've seen her in small roles in a dozen other sci-fi/fantasy TV shows and she's a delight every time she shows up. I've only heard this is as a I-heard-from-a-guy-who-knows-somebody rumor so I don't swear to it, but according to rumor they decided to do "There's only humans and no aliens around" because they didn't have the budget for costumes in addition to the sets and CGI for Max. It's confirmed that they blew a huge portion of the whole season's budget on the special effects in "The End of the World" so they had to tone down the rest of the season, but this rumor says they couldn't even afford body paint or masks here. Hence deciding to draw attention to how there's no aliens around as a way to dodge the question.

Jacob King

“I represent a consortium of banks” is a truly great villain line. I think Adam’s role here is to highlight Rose’s strength as a companion. She is open to the experience of travelling with the Doctor, taking each time as it comes and accepting people as they are, where Adam still saw himself as part of the twenty-first century and saw the future as a means to benefit himself The first thing I ever saw Simon Pegg in was the legendary sketch comedy series Big Train where he played a member of the Billie Piper Fan Club. https://youtu.be/4_3oU-Z4Vxo?si=UhTQw98tHwfkmPC0


I have never heard an American call someone a "knob" before! I thought that was just a British thing (tho I wouldn't be surprised to hear it from an Aussie)... 😱😁