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Doctor Who 1x4 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Aliens of London - AMAZON/DVD



Jacob King

Rose lives in London. A better analogy would be if aliens took you to see Reno.

Jacob King

The Slitheen are the one of the worst looking of the Who aliens. When they started this iteration they didn’t want to jump straight in to all the classic Who villains, some of which have great 70s designs. There are some good ones coming up.

Patrick Pieciun

The effects on Doctor Who do get better over time, but at the same time it's important to know that DW is very known for campy, funny, cheap looking effects, it's kinda a part of the charm of this show! Even with budget increases the campy aspect of the some of the special effects remains imo. I do have to say tho, the farting jokes in this 2-parter were always a bit much for me. People either love them or hate them

Michael Kemmet

I love the Classic Who Honest Trailer pointing out some of the worst monsters: the bubble wrap monster, rubber spiders, the gimp from Pulp Fiction, a series of dudes with helmets on their heads, and the inflatable plastic chair of doom. (I started by watching reruns of the Third and Fourth Doctor on local PBS as a kid in the 80s, so I've seen a lot of the bad ones. lol)