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Gen V 1x5 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Welcome to the Monster Club



Tiny Octopus

I'm thinking that Marie is probably one of the deadliest heroes with her blood power. She could cause air bubbles to form in someone's veins and give them an embolism, and it'd be undetectable. A blood clot in the brain, and you turn a superhero into a stroke victim. Push nitrogen from the blood into someone's joints and you give them a case of the bends (I had a mild case of the bends in the Navy. That was bad enough, ugh) It is terrifying that if/when Marie does learn the extent of her powers and actually learns to use them, she could take down Homelander. Also, I didn't think it was Cate, because I didn't see how she would be able to touch them all without some of them fighting back. Rufus is just short-range, so he really did seem super plausible. One thing, it seems like Cate causes a blood pressure buildup in her brain, the eye hematoma and her bloody nose previously. Marie could probably smooth that out and make her not suffer the painful side effects, with training. And with Sam, I don't know if he originally had some sort of Dissociative Disorder, but the torture would certainly cause it. All the pain would eventually cause a person's mind to cope somehow. In Sam's case, I could see him stop seeing the people who hurt him as actual people, because (and I think Sam has a good heart) people don't do that to others, hence the puppetry, which...yeah.