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I watched this on Peacock


Farscape 1x1 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Premiere




First saw this show when it premiered and I was 15. Was my favorite show until at least 25. Although, similar to Babylon 5, season 1 takes some time to find it's footing.

Doug C

Hi! Looking forward to re-watching this one along with you. I watched it when it first came out, back when I was 26. I was just leaving my first apartment and the cable system at the next place didn't have Sci-Fi Channel, so I got hooked, stalled for two years, and then binged it to catch up when I got access back. I do have fond memories of it, but still hold Babylon 5 and Doctor Who closer to my heart. Still it was nice re-watching this "Pilot" again and remembering how it started.