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Invincible 2x7 FULL LENGTH Reaction | I'm Not Going Anywhere




Best thing to wake up to


I think the reason people are annoyed with how long Invincible took is not because it took a year to come out. It's because it took 3 years to come out. With 8 episodes. In 2 sets of 4. If it only took a year and a half or two for 8 episodes of 2D animation, I don't think anyone would say anything. Invincible Season 1 came out in April 2021. That's a really long time between for 8 episodes of a hit series. As for Allen and the prison. I wonder if anyone else is currently sitting in a Viltrumite prison that could use a jailbreak? I don't know if it'll happen, but that's immediately what I thought of.

Kee Leichtle

I 100% agree with you that Mark and Amber breaking up needed to happen. I feel like Mark was putting it off for way too long. Like all the signs were there and he just wouldn't listen to them. Like I get fighting for someone you love but it's the fact that it almost seemed like he didn't care about the stress and loneliness and potential danger he was putting on Amber until that danger happened and she only came out of it alive because Anissa chose not to. Like all he cared about was being with her. I'm not saying that to hate on Mark. A lot of people do that. It's natural and again, I totally get not wanting to let obstacles get in the way of being with someone you care about. It's just something I feel a lot of people need to think about is, is being with them worth their safety or them feeling lonely because you're gone for so long? Like it doesn't really seem like you really care about them and just want to be in a relationship. Not saying that's the case with Mark but I do feel it might be the case with a lot of couples. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Oliver's future holds. I think along with Allen, he's becoming one of the characters I'm most invested in if not some of my favorite characters in general along with Eve, William, Rick, Debbie and Darkwing.