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The update is now ready for download on Steam.

With the introduction of update 0.7.7 it seems that the optimization work pays off and the framerate doubles for average players.

If you ever had issues accessing the harem mode due to hardware limits, give it another go. If you still have the problem of not being able to enter the game or having blurry texture issues despite having a decent graphic card, sufficient ram and vram, please quit the game, delete the C:\Users[name]\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and restart the game.

Make sure to link your Patreon account in the game. Your pledge on Patreon will be converted into NEPs and you may claim them in the in-game mailbox.


8 new sex scenes for Celia and Alet, 4 additional scenes for Erika coming in a later patch.

Female characters now use different voices and sucking sounds when blowing different sized penises.

Reworked Elizabeth and Celia locomotion animations and fixed the breast deformation issues with Elizabeth and Anya's environment interaction, masturbation and operation bed scenes.

Max penetration speed in sex scenes increased.

Repair Gel can now be used to instantly refill an investigator's stamina and provide a small bonus to affinity.

Sex scenes tagged with Exhausted no longer require the investigator's stamina to be 0.

Added a toggle for physically simulated hair strands.

Portuguese and Chinese will no longer be occasionally displayed when using another language.

New and faster experiments analyzing animation - and you can skip it now.

More upper outfits can be retained during sex instead of being disabled.

There will no longer be blurry textures on characters if vram is insufficient.

Exiting a sex scene without the investigator getting sated will no longer deduct their affinity.

Miscellaneous model and animation quality improvements.

Server stability enhanced.

General UX improvements and bug fixes.


EDIT 11/23

Hot patch 0.7.75 is coming this weekend, addressing several bugs with update 0.7.7.

In this hotpatch we doubled the base stamina of the investigators. (10->20)

Belly bulge shape has been reworked (preview image attached to the post).

Added thigh and belly fat jiggle physics especially on milf characters such as Dr.Anya.


EDIT 11/26

Hotpatch 0.7.75 is now being tested in preview branch. This patch fixed all gallery related issues and added squirt VFX.

Female characters will now use suffocation voices and facial expressions in choking sex scenes.

Improved the highlights of Elizabeth’s hair and added the 4 extra scenes for Erika.


EDIT 11/28

Hotpatch 0.7.75b is now live on Steam! The next patch will be Update 0.8.0, in which we will remove the Sanity system and introduce Research Pass: Juzi.






What are the 12 new experiments i dont see




Make sure to link your Patreon account in the game. Your pledge on Patreon will be converted into NEP in the game.


We added 8 for celia and alet in this patch, 4 more coming in the next.


rtx 4090, cannot enter harem mode, stuck in loading page, can hear some sound in background


So if I support it on Patreon, it will be converted to NEP in the game.?What is the exchange rate


It shouldn't be the problem with the game. I'm not sure if it is because you are having issues connecting to the server, have you tried to use a VPN?


The exchange rate goes slightly higher with every tier, by default it's roughly 1 USD = 8 NEP


Make the FPS cap a slider instead of a fixed 80


Yes I tried, no problem with the network. I can select different charaters and outfits, but stuck in the game afterwards.


please add new stuff for gallery


I was always stuck in the loading page of entering Archimedes Station, while can hearing sounds like other players join the station XD


Great! Now please add more scenes for Anya and have the keeping the cum on the body even after you exited a scene. 😊


进入后宫模式 显示invalid RUL并重新载入游戏 请问该怎么解决


That's really weird, you are the only one with this problem so far. Can you submit a github ticket?


Paid the fee, entered the key, downloaded, pressed play, AND FATAL ERROR... CRASH and BLACK SCREEN requiring reboot even after repeated attempts. Top tier system 12900K-RTX4090-Pimax Crystal; I have no idea what is wrong with your game, but it is BROKE!!!


Any info regarding VR ? Can we play or at least use VR for scenes ?


Are you sure you updated your driver? Make sure the program is run with your 4090 if you are using a laptop. If the issue persists, pls submit a ticket on our discord server or github.


I don't know... but it still doesn't load the textures for me... and I have hair strand simulation turned off 🤔


Have you tried to delete the setting ini file of the game and upgrade your driver?


I'm running a 4090 on latest drivers with no issues. I doubt it's the 4090 as long as your drivers are up to date.


Updated to latest driver and still No Joy... Fatal Error during load


still cant´t play can you fix the file : Paralogue-Win64-Shipping.exe, just make a patch fixing this file, is so annoying ipaying for something i can´t use!


I can't get in nightclub ,only can enter the space station。


if you still the problem of not being able to enter the game or having blurry texture issues despite having a decent graphic card, sufficient ram and vram, pleass quite the game, delete the C:\Users[name]\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and restart the game.


if you still the problem of not being able to enter the game or having blurry texture issues despite having a decent graphic card, sufficient ram and vram, pleass quite the game, delete the C:\Users[name]\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and restart the game.


if you still the problem of not being able to enter the game or having blurry texture issues despite having a decent graphic card, sufficient ram and vram, pleass quite the game, delete the C:\Users[name]\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and restart the game.


if you still the problem of not being able to enter the game or having blurry texture issues despite having a decent graphic card, sufficient ram and vram, pleass quite the game, delete the C:\Users[name]\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and restart the game.


if you still the problem of not being able to enter the game or having blurry texture issues despite having a decent graphic card, sufficient ram and vram, pleass quite the game, delete the C:\Users[name]\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and restart the game.


if you still the problem of not being able to enter the game or having blurry texture issues despite having a decent graphic card, sufficient ram and vram, pleass quite the game, delete the C:\Users[name]\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and restart the game.

Aka Dav

Anya / Elizabeth + Hounds of Tindalos please !


Any idea of the timeframe until implemented? The VR aspect is why I purchased/support this project


Disregard, now loads on flat screen with Crystal unplugged from system.


How do you use the repair gel to recover stamina?


In the lobby and changing room's character status panel. The UI is a bit unintuitive, we will improve it in the next patch.


could you please create a ticket on discord and submit your hlog folder so I can check it out? there's a hlog folder under the binary folder in the game directory.





John Doe

Textures are still messed up.

John Doe

It just doesn't make sense you were giving your supporters a working mode with no performance issues and then pushed an online mode, that no one asked for onto your supporters. Are we just paying to play test your game now? Who even likes the idea of playing a multiplayer mode that has players beating off together in a shared lobby? The idea puts me off every time.


295订阅应该是解锁所有角色通行证 为何最后两个角色 还需要单独购买


Add different skins to test subjects


Me personally I want to see a more realistic hound like a real dog


Could you please submit a ticket on github? https://github.com/itsamewayu/OLFallenDoll/issues


You will receive NEP for every new research pass when the passes come out. Check your mailbox in game.


Patreon and Steam forbids it. Customization is a good idea. I'll see what I can do.


Oh didn’t think about that but yea skin customization would be great 😊 appreciate the response❤️


Also maybe body parts sliders for example:breast size slider 🤷‍♂️ idk just another idea.


i found a solution, but is not a complete solution, i ran the Paralogue-Win64-Shipping.exe using solve problems of compatibility (i have win10), kinda work, but the launcher still giving me the error, so to play i had to do this treak, i will try delete \AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor, hope this work, but i'm insist check out that file on your next update please


I still seem to be running .7.5 I checked in steam and couldn't see anything about updating. And when I opened the game, it was the old .7.5 update still


gallery mode Breast shaking canceled ??? Breasts look like rocks !!!





Michael Magar

i cant find the update on steam it just says coming soon and has the demo only what is going on here


How on earth do I get into internal testing? I'm going to crash.


Anybody knows how I can get those costumes from the past? Like Celia's Christmas costume.


我们一直在期待galatea,我们需要萝莉。 we are looking forward galatea,we need loli ,too many similar role,similar pysical biuld have been updated。


Hello, I can't give gifts to increase my affinity to Celia, It just doesn't work ;/ But any way, still an amazing game, keep the great work Btw: how can I buy more currency inside the game? The one with the cash icon


pls update dlss version


Still no luck, tried reintall the lastest nvidia drives, delete the folder you said, the game not responding as usual. I'm using DDR5 ram, is that a possible cause?


will affinity level increase after reaching 100?


We haven't finished the affinity events yet so the affinity system has yet been fully implemented.


Please make a slider to change the size of their boobs.


I accidentally link the wrong patreon account to the game. How do I unlink the account?


So that means that if I bought a 1 year sub, that means I won't get more after a year?


I really need help here. So just got the $35.00 dollar sub and got my Steam key, but i cant access the harem mode and I tried looking for the file in C:\. Can someone help me out? Please and thanks

matthias meier

Man it's a shame Galatea will be the same height as Alet. . The only way you could "cheese" steams demands, would be to increase the height of all the other characters in the game. I feel like if Galatea isn't shorter there isn't much point to her appearance. Anyway will be awesome to have her in non the less.


Just add all the scenes to the gallery once unlocked in Harem Mode. No offense but I dislike Harem Mode. It feels like I'm in a circle jerk meet up.


Are you able to launch the game? If you are looking for the game's file directory you can do that through steam.


Very good, I hope this hotpatch is released to everyone quickly

Roach Prime

Please this. Or if we have to use Harem mode, have a setting that hides all other players and mutes them by default! I shouldn't have to manually hide them every time and even then sounds are not always muted (though that may be a bug).


What’s the wipe off button for? Am I missing something?


how do we install the update for the game?


IIRC, the developer wanted to give high paying($$$) patrons a private room for Harem mode. I dislike that very much.


I want sliders for thighs, boobs, ass, and muscle mass. I'm gonna make Elizabeth THICC!


Hello, I sponsored $90. Why does it still show that my sponsorship amount is less than $35 when I want to receive a steam key?




I have deleted the folder and tried everything. The textures still dont load properly. In the Gallery Mode is is fine but i only have the problem in Harem mode. I love the game but it seems like i have to stop if i cant fix this issue.


Some suggestions... How about a small intro in to the scens? For example..the Anya Houd scene...as intro have the hound jump her from behind and the fk her in doggy..or being put on her knees before a BJ scens. I would love to see that. Please make the cum stay on the girls even after exiting a scene, so it piles up with time! Thank you.


Cant seem to enter erotes harem after the 0.7.5 uodate




Still get a black screen with a white rectangle when launching the game. Have a good enough card to run it, 3080TI and deleted the config file, plus have done a fresh install.

Nicholas P

Weird, I just installed the Beta Steam game and I can't link Patreon to it, The button makes a noise, but does nothing functionally like open a webview or anything like that...

Nicholas P

Pretty sure Norton did when I first launched it, but I marked it as run always. I'll check on that more later


I'm having the same issue. it shows just the top left of the screen saying something about "by playing this game you agree" or something but i can't see it all. Then i have to end the process to close it. nothing else happens.


Same issue as well, and yes I've verified integrity of the files


Okay could you please submit a ticket with screenshot on https://github.com/itsamewayu/OLFallenDoll

FanCrafter Michi

I'm unable to access the steam page it's saying that this game isn't available in my country.


You can still activate the game on steam with the key generated from our website https://www.projecthelius.com/

FanCrafter Michi

well i got that working now the game keeps starting in VR mode and i can only see the top left of a white screen with text and nothing i do gets rid of that screen.


vr ? when?


Need more body slides for the gals. Size, weight, areola diameter, etc...milk. :)


I must say, now that i've learned how to play the game, I am actually having quite a bit of fun with it. Keep up the good work fellas.

Raiden blood

Cant play the campaign from the patreon link and Harmen mode on steam wont work atter a claim the key.

Raiden blood

Dear new patreon : campaign dont work, good luck.


When is Vr coming back?




Firstly, there is no core gameplay. Secondly, after entering the game interface, clicking the start button often prevents players from playing and gets stuck in the loading interface.


it's terrible


my steam key is invalid, why?


Hello, I encountered a major issue that is preventing me from activating my game. I subscribed as an early $8 subscriber and have previously activated the game. However, due to some reason, I removed it from my library and now I am unable to re-add it. Can you provide a solution?


since i joined ive never had any complaints with this game the graphics fantastic , animations very well made, physics smooth and sync amazingly , with the sounds , im normally dont play theses kinda games but none the less its interesting , the leveling system really makes you want to grind and for the missions they are balanced and are fun. with each update i notice small changes that are added , and this excites me i cant wait for the combat side if the combat is as good as the what the interaction is right now i be leave this game will fly off the shelf once its out of beta , cant wait


I get it man, if spiderman kicked my sht in, Id turn into a fan girl too. Glad to have you here buddy


lol. I seriously just cant wait for game play tho im a huge sword fan so im hoping we get skill based play for combat kinda like monsterhunter


for thoes that are having trouble its because your not letting it load when it starts takes few seconds watch for the words to finsih onthe bottom of the screen then click harem after that click destination you want twice your good to go patience is the key

Risu Kami

Belly bulge seems to creatre some bugs. Expelling does not change the Belly bulge state, though the viasual effect temporarily seem to vanish. I suppose the trigger for tis doe not swich correctly because in the restraint mechanism the visual is already reset. This will cause crashes when selecting an non Belly bulge compatible outfit (you cannot leave the menu anymore).