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Greetings, Researchers! Update 0.7.5 is now live on Steam closed beta branch. This update brings a new investigator: Elizabeth Carter, with 53 new sex scenes.

Elizabeth Carter has been at the helm of DMAIC for nearly two hundred years, but this iron-fisted technology oligarch shows no physical signs of aging. The official explanation from DMAIC is that Elizabeth has undergone extensive gene therapy to achieve immortality, yet her longevity still spawned many a conspiracy theory: Some believe that she is a periodically replaced clone with Elizabeth’s memory while more radical ones claim that the Carter family has a long history of cutting deals with aliens.

After this update, all investigator blueprints can be obtained and analyzed normally even if you do not have their respective Advanced Research Pass. Green and Blue experiment synthesis costs have increased, and you will still require the associated Advanced Research Pass to synthesize an investigator’s experiments.

Patch 0.7.5 introduces an experimental feature: when acquiring an outfit set, players will receive all pieces of that set at once which can be mixed and matched with other clothing. Additionally, accessories have been divided into 4 categories: face, neck, hands, earrings. This allows investigators to wear many types of accessories at once, such as glasses and collars.

  • New experiment subjects: Gug and Tcho-Tcho.
  • A new hair simulation system has been applied to Elizabeth’s hair, which may result in performance and visual issues on lower-end PCs. We will keep a close eye on issues that may arise.
  • A new experimental UI system has been implemented, which should address all remaining known UI bugs/issues from the previous system.
  • Players can now browse experiments using category filters.
  • Genital Dilation Level recovery rate has been reduced to 1/3rd of its previous speed.
  • Players can manually set an investigator as their avatar.
  • Players can enter Inspect Mode during experiments.
  • Server and network connections have been optimized. The game will no longer boot you to the main menu when connections become unstable.
  • Graphics & sound optimization. Depth of Field settings have been reset to address screen blurring due to player's accidental changes to that parameter.

Please check your ingame mailbox to claim the Advanced Research Pass, if no mail shows up please log out and back in.

If you encounter any issues/bugs, please feel free to report them to us at our Bug Report Github!


We are releasing a hotpatch today addressing Elizabeth's animation issues in the lobby and changing room, and improve her breast jiggle physics and facial expressions.


Thanks for submitting reports related to the connection issues! You should have no
problem connecting to the server now.


We have pinpointed the issue causing Elizabeth's hair color flashing with camera viewpoint moving, and penetrating/pulling out animations being played slower than should be. We are currently working on a fix of Elizabeth's masturbation bug. A hotpatch is coming soon.


We have received reports regarding increased VRAM requirement causing lag and blurry texture after update 0.7.5. We will provide a hair simulation fidelity level option in the next patch and if the issue persists, provide a non simulated hair system later on.


We are working on a mesh based hair solution rn, if enabled Elizabeth and Juzi will have less physically accurate hair strand simulation but it will greatly reduce framerate impact.


We are launching update 0.76b around end of month. This patch will implement a less hardware demanding hair rendering solution for Elizabeth and address an issue causing textures to become blurry on computers with low VRAM.


After checking suggestions submitted in the last monthly poll (which was already one year ago), there are now enough voting power dedicated to overhauling or removing current sanity system altogether.

We are now thinking about how to proceed with this. What is certain is that the current time sensitive sanity system will go and it will be easier to get Likes.


EDIT 11/3:

Update 0.7.7 is arriving in a few days. The NA server is currently being upgraded in preparation for the update and the maintenance will last for another several hours. Maintenance on Asia and EU servers have been completed.

We aim to double the framerate with this update and deal with blurry texture issues some players are having once and for all.

EDIT 11/4:

NA server maintenance is now complete, you should have no problem accessing Harem Mode now.




Yeah it’s asking me to pay for Elizabeth and I can’t do that cause there’s no option to.


Yeah! That's super annoying! I've donated a ton of money, and I can't use the new character!? That's a diservice to all of your backers!


Have you connected your Patreon account in the game? If so please check your ingame mailbox to claim the preorder rewards.


Have you connected your Patreon account in the game? If so please check your ingame mailbox to claim the preorder rewards.


I can't get the new character either and my patreon is connected and no new mail in-game


my patreon account was connected, but i did not have active membership. does that matter? i have no in game mail even after activating a membership just now.


hello, I can not enter the game after update 0.7.5, could please help me


Is there any pure monster mode in the planning? I really don't want to see human males appear.


How do i get the steam key? I am a new member and Paid anually?


Heres link to where you get key. Be sure to link patreon account to website. https://www.projecthelius.com/index.html#/index


Dont kow why people are having issues getting new characters. Its been smooth sailing for me since that major update after a year of waiting. All i had to do was link Patreon account to here: https://www.projecthelius.com/index.html#/index . Then link Patreon account INGAME. DO NOT download DEMO version on Steam. Enter Steam key in the usual way on steam app and you should be golden. Again honestly i have personally had no issues at all. Oh and more thing i saw a couple of replys from Project Helius to check mail ingame to get Elizabeth. But thats not what i had to do. I activated her via the Research Pass banner on the top right of the lobby where you select character and clothing. Hope i helped😁


Nice Patch! It is however, a little surprising to only see 3 animations featuring the new test subjects, is there a plan for adding more soon?

Ventras Uzumakie

Give us VR back ..... that's what many came for .... and u litterally TOOK IT AWAY I dont care about online I just wanna beat my meat in PEACE GALLERY MODE VR Thats what alot of people want And yes i know a bunch of.people dont care about VR But can we agree VR has been Neglected for long enough by now and its about time ..... to get VR back


The update looks good so far. I even got refunded after paying for Elizabeth. I would love to see more scenes for Anya since I almost only use her. You guys should stick now to the existing characters and add more content for them.

John Doe

Game keeps loading the Harem mode can't access, help


we will understand there will be many issues while the game is developing, and may cause delay of release. But you should give a post to tell players that what happened and let we know you are working on it.


2 updates on a row that I can't access the station or erotes, I guess I'll have to wait for another update


Is the vr not working?


I login in and get the message saying my account has been taken offline, then when that stops the game starts spawning everything on the screen until the game crashes. This includes menu text and characters.


Are you clicking the options Twice? when selcting area, first time you click it shows on the right what can be accessed in that area then you have to click Station or Erotes again. took me a few mins to figure out lol


unable to connect to server


it seems too many bugs


Since the update the game doesn't fully load the textures on male and female models properly.. any one else having the same issue? Is there something I can do about it?




can´t play, you broke the game with the update, why this always happend, dudes... i´m really tired of this


hey when i join the harem, the textures dont show it looks like clay sort of. and Elizabeth's hair keep flashing from blonde to pink idk what going on


News related to difficulties and delay were updated on discord, but you are right we will start posting on Patreon from October.


l am happy to get your reply, i am waiting the wonderful update on VR mode


Cause I hade enough before the update did y’all upgrade during the update? Cause it only does it in the harem not the gallery it’s like the texture don’t fully load up and sometimes when I move the r camera it’s back normal but goes back to the thing with little texture.




I paid a total of $36 and received £288 for Patreon and £150 for the Elizabeth Advanced Research Pass. If you look at the sponsorship information, it says that two character expansion passes will be provided, but I received nothing other than £150 for Elizabath. Did I get one less pass? Or are the Advanced Research Pass and the Character Expansion Pass different passes?

John Doe

"Fantastic" another update to an online only mode that nobody asked for and it breaks the textures. I'm tired of entering Harem mode and not having the option to have a private lobby. No instead everyone rushes for privacy, so they don't have to hear the same girl's moans overlay and break immersion. The game will work much better if you'd stop forcing players to join open lobbies and have lower end pc's chug and break from rending to many animations at once. Backers are asking for everything to be added to gallery mode to avoid performance issues, but you flat out ignore them. Done supporting this project. Such a disappointment because I really like this game and just wanted to have it work.




Will those texture problems be addressed now? Right now the game is fucking un playable!!


same, i got the second highest vram and it was working just fine before the update and ever since then i havent been able to see the textures unless im in lobby menu before picking a harem room or in gallery but whenevr im in the harem it dont have any texture like wtf?


I have 9GB. But after update, It's Low Graphics and Low FPS. RTX3080.


Thanks fix, It's better now! But non-DLSS mode doesn't work as right, I think. Cursor moves like as "Is it wrong resolution?" and still not clear graphics as few months ago. Keep up your good work!!

moto saka



While the graphics look great, this game has been a clusterfuck for a long time. I originally bought this game for VR, but y'all broke dick that mofo for 9 months. And when I originally joined it was a one time payment of $36 and I still had to buy it on Steam when it went live. And now it's an annual subscription? That means it has been nearly a year on Steam with a "Coming Soon" status just for me. Hell, you have these girls fucking demons and dogs so why not a donkey too? Then it would be 3D. But really, I'd been done with this long ago. Too boring when you have titles like VamX, VR Hot, and Sex and Guns (where you shoot a bunch of pricks and then fuck a hottie). I call this project for what it is...wallet edging. Cancelled and deleted.


And I quote, "If you have pledged a accumulative total of $35+, please visit our HOMEPAGE, click "Reserve Steam Key" button to acquire a STEAM KEY and take part in the CLOSED BETA test without any extra payment."


I don't understand how to rise affinity, how can i use gifts? i have five that i can not pick in gift inventory :/


right? I unpledged after giving them $36 and as soon as the update happened it kicked me out and I can't do shit.


how to get access to discord but the verify link is always expired!! your demo runs smooth but the closed beta version always crash on my device. (can't even access the main menu.) I tried to reach/message/contact you to claim my benefit or refund through message and e-mail but you just ignore everything. Please have me at least a respond or I'm very disappointed about this project and consider this is a spam.






用35美元,正在使用Hareem模式。 也希望给VR使用者提供更好的环境


sooo, will yall decrease the requirements or make it to where its back to the way it was but just with an extra character to where i can play it without having to worry about paying for another $500 or more for a new graphics card in order to play it without the texture problem or can i just get the $36 back since my grahpics card dont work for yall's increase in requirements of vram causse thats kinda messed up i paid for it and it was just fione just to kinda be told i cant play the game at its full potential due to an update and an increase on vram requirements.

John Doe

Edit: Just provide an offline mode, problems will be fixed!


咱运营模式还是太手游了兄弟 不至于这样

Dave Scholze

Can't level season pass of the new char, no matter what I try. Waster hours!




hola tengo problemas para regalar a mis personajes!

ID Kurumi

I'm trying to click login to get a steam key in Chrome, but there's no response.. What's the problem?


The game has been unable to enter the harem, and has been loading the screen after selecting the place please help


Still having trouble connecting to the server, please help us


the textures started to work before the last patch yall just did but after the patch its glitchjing from textureless to normal everytime i wal. idk how to screen record but yeahhh help


how i get steam kay ??


How I can get any response from supprt team ?

ID Kurumi

Does this person even see the comments about what's wrong with him now? I sponsored it at best...I don't feel good


bro i think its Elizabeth causing the texture problems cause every time im either near or using Elizabeth it just don't seem to allow the textures to fully load up as if the game has dark spots in the maps causing the textures to be blurry or not loaded


Fix the VR Mode, "Unreal 4 Crash" just starting the game


Can we get a more recent VR mode? When is that going to be a thing?


We still waiting for VR ;)


I join the thing how to I get the game


i cant open it in vr

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-20 14:43:01 I want a mode where I can play alone. My computer can't handle playing with a large number of people.
2023-10-20 12:40:10






How to play with VR?


Same. I don't know they just go back to the gallery and put all the animations there. I hate the Harem mode.


i just found out that its not just Elizabeth in general causing the blurry textures and frame drops, the amount of ppl yall allow in a session causes a huge frame drop. a room of 4 worked smoothly vs a room of 7 or 10


How to play VR?


Server issues? 'the server is not reachable.'






just a question, I can't use the gift I have in the character page, is this a bug?


when will the rts part be added?


看到这个消息超过 12 小时了,我还是没有在 steam 上收到游戏更新,最后更新时间还是 7 月 19 日


No, the affinity events are currently in production and not added yet.


hello! Is an update to gallery mode planned? the quality is much better!!


Hey, I'm relatively new to steam and Patreon. I'm having quit the time connecting everything? I don't understand how to use my key? I'm lost, send help


I cannot access the discord channel anymore, i don't understand if i get banned or if there is any other issue, can someone confirm at least if the channel is running at the moment? i am not so used with this social stuff :v


The product code you've entered has already been activated by a different Steam account. This code cannot be used again. Please contact the retailer or online seller where the code was purchased for assistance.

Frank Leo

Constant " Error 1100 : Server Internal Error ErrorCode : 408 " when attempting to login online mode , please fix .

gilles scherrer

I don't know if I'm the only one, but I can't play harem mode. It would be nice to add more character and poses in gallery mode. It would also be a paliative during malfunctions


I am facing the same issue


same problem impossible to go to Harem mode


Hello, after joining the $35 membership, entering harem mode and prompting a server error The prompt message for 408 is the same when using an accelerator. How to solve this situation? It is the latest version just released today

Steve Harrison

Same as others after update says Harem for closed Beta Only, have been running game for sometime now. Thought about uninstalling and reinstalling but i see this may pose another problem as code may not be valid now.


btw whenever yall deal with the texture issue please know that majority of the texture issues with the blurry look is caused by Elizabeth. the texture with every other character looks great now but when i even LOOK at an Elizabeth player or use her when there is over 6 people in the lobby it causes the blurry look.


I hope to add a first person mode to the harem mode!


Hi I dont understand how can I obtain beta test code. I mean I have subscryption, but I dont know where I can pay this 35 USD to receive a steam code. Any help?




Can we get a progress report on the non-harem gameplay?


I accidentally exchanged Neo England Pounds for Insight and couldn't unlock the new character. What should I do in this case?



Steve Harrison

Yes, quite frustrating to have paid for something that I can no longer access and Devs do not appear to be responding to this issue.

Steve Harrison

Okay, i may have discovered the issue many who have lost access to harem mode. For me I just discovered that my Steam Library swapped my links between DEMO and Closed Beta. I am once again back into the game to continue testing in Harem Mode!


I need vr !!!!!!!!!!!!




I spent mine on progress. Turns out I needed it to unlock the new characters. Still looking for ways to purchase more dabucks. Some say he's still searching to this day :<


This is some bullshit. Microtransactions, No VR support, Mobile style progression mechanics.... Nope


Hello, I'm new at the game but I don't really understand how to level up and complete the passes, is there any guide?


I'm new to the game. Where would I download this new version?


Simple activate the game on steam with the key you get from our website https://www.projecthelius.com/


Bascially anything you do in the game (have sex, give and receive likes, etc) get you progress points.


Will we have POV camera?

Aka Dav

Anya / Elizabeth + Hounds of Tindalos please !




could you please create a ticket on discord and submit your hlog folder so I can check it out? there's a hlog folder under the binary folder in the game directory.




Hello, I encountered a major issue that is preventing me from activating my game. I subscribed as an early $8 subscriber and have previously activated the game. However, due to some reason, I removed it from my library and now I am unable to re-add it. Can you provide a solution?