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Task Force Sigma is an elite combat unit directly commanded by the Bureau, responsible for carrying out clandestine tactical operations. The division consists of cutting-edge military cyberdoll models.

CYRA (CYbernetic Reconnaissance Agent) is tasked with target acquisition and sniper fire support in Task Force Sigma. Cyra's style of execution is bold and decisive, although her shoot-first-ask-questions-later approach is not approved by many.

Cyra is not a typical intelligence officer; she speaks bluntly and can become roaring drunk after a few shots of beer. However, according to her former colleague Erika, this sharpshooter who wears her emotions on her sleeve is well-liked in the team—because everyone knows that Cyra's crosshair is always a guarantee of safety at the most critical moment.

A figurine manufacturer has approached us for licensing. A series of Task Force Sigma figures will be avaiable in the coming months. Attached images #3-#7 are photos of the garage kit of Cyra's figure.

Update is coming around end of month, aforementioned performance and lighting optimization will be implemented in this update.




She looks like a next level Alet2.0


Can I resend my New England pounds for this update

matthias meier

Seeming as she is the next character to be added. Can we get a Galatea spotlight. A couple posses, outfits.




"Paralogue-Win64-Shipping.exe" crashes. I cannot play after update 0.8.0 Guys ! I have to see Alet and the other girls, solve the problem!


update gallery mode

Hak Thunder

I wonder when the single player feature will be released?