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Greetings everyone!  Doing my 2nd AMA for the week, gong on from now till 4pm Central.  Leave us your questions or comments below!  I got a bit behind with editing due to an appointment earlier, plus playing catchup on some movies I missed last weekend due to being out of town.  Also, we've got some great news, as we got accepted over on Cameo!  Pass our page along to anyone who might be interested!  https://www.cameo.com/thecinemasnob?qid=1651691825 



Do you consider a bowl of cereal and milk a soup?


Not really, but it might be hard to argue with someone about it, because I could probably see their points :P

Russell Hunter

Is there any movie you think you were too harsh on?


I'm sure a lot of the older episodes I came across as a lot more harsh, as I was definitely in character in those, so the Snobby persona would have come out more. That may be lost on some casual viewers who stumble upon them today and not knowing it was a character and played up for laughs. I think we've all done a great job adapting to how comedy review style evolve over the years. Back then we certianly played our parts as more cynical and amped up the anger jokes, where as now, we can be a lot more of ourselves while still keeping the snark and humor there.