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Peter and Rocket had returned to their ship, finding a quiet corner in the hangar where they could talk and theorize about their plans for Zola without interruption.

Immediately, Peter transferred Zola’s sleeping consciousness from his datapad to Rocket’s computer, the digital transfer happening seamlessly.

Rocket leaned over the computer, his eyes widening as he began to see the code that made up Zola’s digital brain.

The complexity and magnitude of the data were astounding, even to someone as tech-savvy as Rocket. He let out a low whistle. "Okay, I’m officially on board with this crazy plan of yours. What are we doing with him? And where do we start?"

Peter shrugged, his expression thoughtful. "I don’t know. I was thinking of just making him loyal to us and then letting you upgrade him as much as you want, but maybe that won’t be a good idea."

Rocket raised an eyebrow, clearly curious. "Why not?"

Peter hesitated for a moment before explaining. "Since he’s a Nazi and, even worse, a high-level member of Hydra, I just don’t feel right having him around, like he could turn on us at any moment."

There was another reason, but Peter kept that one to himself. He knew he lived in a comic book world, and in comic books, it was always possible for a villain to come back in some nonsensical way.

Simply put, keeping Zola around could be asking for trouble.

Rocket tilted his head, scrutinizing Peter. "So you changed your mind then? Should we just delete him?" His tone suggested he was reluctant to do so, as he saw the code as a masterpiece, something that would take him an immense amount of time and effort to replicate.

Peter shook his head. "No, let’s not go that far, at least not yet." He thought for a moment, then asked, "What if we study him and use him and his work to make another AI?"

Rocket looked even more unwilling, clearly seeing this as a waste of a perfectly functioning masterpiece of an AI. "Can’t we just delete everything that makes him him and then build off his base code? At least if we do that, I can cut the development time in half."

Peter pondered the suggestion before shaking his head again. "No, I’d rather we study him and learn everything we can before making our own AI."

Rocket looked flabbergasted. "Why? That’s such a waste of time…"

Peter tried to placate him. "This is the best option, even if it’s the most work. And don’t worry, I’m here to help."

Rocket gave Peter a scrutinizing look, clearly doubtful. "How the hell can you help me? You barely even made that little light stick of yours." He scoffed, pointing at the lightsaber on Peter’s belt.

Peter put on a mock offended look, not taking Rocket’s words too seriously. He knew he wasn’t the best with tech, but he had his Mechu Deru, which was like a cheat code for this kind of work. It should make building their own AI much easier and faster than Rocket thinks.

Wanting to show off, Peter walked up to Rocket’s computer. Rocket watched in confusion. "What are you doing?"

Peter touched the computer, and his hand glowed with the Force. A second later, all the hidden files on Rocket’s computer were opened, even one labeled ‘Furhub downloads.’

“Furhub? What’s that?” Peter muttered as the folder opened, revealing countless pornographic images and videos of furry animals. “Damn Rocket, you’re a sick little freak, aren’t you?”

Shocked and embarrassed, Rocket rushed forward, quickly closing everything. "Hey! What the hell?"

Peter smirked, enjoying Rocket’s reaction. "I may be bad with tech, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help." He said, his smirk widening. “Now admit it, or I’m sending your little porn folder to Lyla~”

“Fine…” Rocket stared at Peter, a mix of annoyance and a hint of fear in his eyes. “I admit, you aren’t completely useless. Now, what’s the plan then?"

Peter leaned in, his tone serious. "We take our time to study Zola's code thoroughly. We understand every bit of it, and then we build our own AI from scratch. And we aren’t allowed to copy and paste anything from Zola’s code. In fact, we should make sure our creation stays far away from him, just in case."

Rocket grumbled but nodded, not really understanding the reason for Peter’s caution, though he would agree. "Fine, fine. But you better be ready to put in the work. This ain’t gonna be easy."

Peter grinned. "I’m ready. Let’s get started. We still have some time before the assault on Hydra tomorrow…"

Just like that, they began diving deep into Zola’s code. Rocket’s expertise combined with Peter’s Mechu Deru made for an effective team. Rocket pointed out complex strings of code, explaining their function, while Peter used his Mechu Deru to interact with and manipulate the digital consciousness, gaining insights that would have taken Rocket hours to deduce manually.

Hours passed as they worked, their focus unwavering. Peter marveled at the intricacy of Zola’s programming, the sheer genius behind it. Despite his moral reservations, he couldn’t help but be impressed by the skill involved.

Rocket, too, found himself begrudgingly admiring the work. "I gotta admit, this is some top-tier stuff. This Zola guy was definitely ahead of his time, especially for a backwater planet like this..."

“First, don’t call OUR home world a backwater planet…” Peter glared for a moment before glancing back at another segment of code. "But yeah, Zola was a genius, no doubt about that. But we can do better."

Rocket snorted. "Damn right, we can."

As they continued, Peter suggested various modifications and enhancements, each time using his Mechu Deru to simulate the changes before they were implemented. Rocket watched in awe as Peter manipulated the digital code with an ease that was almost supernatural.

By the end of their session, they had a detailed blueprint for their new AI. It would incorporate the best parts of Zola’s programming while being free of any Hydra influence. The new AI would be loyal to them, with capabilities far beyond what Zola had originally designed.

Peter leaned back, stretching his arms. "That was fun, but it's getting late." He glanced at the computer clock, which showed it was only a few hours until morning. "But we've got a solid plan, and you have to admit, with my help, we got a lot of work done in such a short amount of time, didn't we?"

Rocket nodded, a satisfied grin on his face. "Yeah, this is gonna be one hell of an AI. Can’t wait to see it in action."

Peter smirked, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Me too. Let’s get some rest though. Tomorrow’s gonna be a big day."

They secured the data, ensuring that Zola’s consciousness was contained and inactive. As they prepared to leave the ship, Peter couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation for what lay ahead. They were on the verge of something groundbreaking, and he was ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

But most of all, "Jarvis won't even hold a candle to our AI..." Peter reveled in the thought of outdoing the great Tony Stark. "HehehahaHAHA!" He laughed maniacally, startling the crew awake from their beds.

“Shut the f*ck up! I’m trying to sleep!”

“Peter! Is that you again?!”

“It has to be… Who else would laugh like a cartoon villain on our ship…”

“How many times do we have to tell you? No villain tropes after 10 pm!”

Hearing this, Rocket made himself scarce, unwilling to share any of the blame for waking them up. After all, he wasn’t laughing like an idiot.

“Uhh… sorry guys…” Peter muttered as he walked off to his room, a smile still plastered on his face. ‘I can’t wait to see the look on Tony’s face once we’re finished…’

The ship’s lights dimmed as Peter got ready for bed, leaving behind the digital consciousness of Arnim Zola, now nothing more than a tool for their future endeavors.


The next morning dawned with a sense of purpose and urgency. The Red Room was a hive of activity as everyone prepared for the massive assault on Hydra. This time, it wasn't just small teams being deployed. This was an all-out mobilization of their combined forces.

Peter stood on a raised platform in the main hangar, watching the organized chaos below. “…”

Jedi knights moved with purpose, their lightsabers clipped to their belts, their expressions serious…

The X-Men and the Brotherhood mingled, old rivalries set aside in the face of a common enemy…

Nearly a hundred Black Widows, all in their sleek black suits, coordinated their preparation with precision…

Shield agents, with Coulson leading, finalized plans and logistics, their demeanor reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Peter’s crew—Groot, Cosmo, Howard, Rocket, Teefs, Lylla, and Floor—were ready and waiting, their expressions determined. They knew what was at stake.

Peggy Carter and Nick Fury stood next to Peter, surveying the scene. Peggy's eyes were sharp, her mind focused on the task ahead. "It's almost time," she said, her voice steady.

Peter nodded. "Yeah. We have the complete list of all Hydra members and their locations. We’re hitting them hard and fast. No more hiding, no more running."

Fury adjusted his eye patch, his expression grim. "This is it. We take them down today, or we lose our best chance."

The Red Room’s loudspeakers crackled to life as Peter addressed the assembled forces. "Attention, everyone. Today, we strike at the heart of Hydra. You all know your assignments. Stick to the plan, watch each other’s backs, and remember why we’re doing this. Hydra has caused too much pain and suffering. Today, we put an end to it."

A chorus of determined responses echoed through the hangar. The sense of unity was palpable. Every person there knew the importance of the mission.

Peggy stepped forward, her voice cutting through the noise. "Remember, we’re all in this together. Let’s show Hydra what we’re made of!”

One by one, the ships were filled with soldiers and lifted off, blocking out the sky with a sense of impending justice. They spread out, heading towards the various Hydra locations detailed in the operatives' list.


The first target was a heavily fortified Hydra base hidden deep within a mountain range. The X-Men and the Brotherhood approached with caution, their aircraft hovering just out of sight.

Magneto, his powers at the ready, spoke to Xavier. "Are you sure about this, Charles? Working together like this…"

Xavier nodded. "We must. Hydra threatens us all. We put aside our differences for now."

Magneto glanced at his Brotherhood members, then back at the X-Men. "Alright. Let’s make it count."


Meanwhile, a covert team of Black Widows infiltrated a Hydra research facility in an abandoned factory. Natasha and Melina led the way, their movements silent and deadly. They moved through the shadows, taking out guards with swift efficiency.

Natasha paused, listening to the comm in her ear. "We’re almost to the main lab. Everyone, stay sharp."

Melina nodded, signaling the others to follow. "We’re right behind you."


At another location, a Shield strike team prepared to assault a Hydra command center hidden beneath a corporate skyscraper. Fury and Coulson coordinated with the Jedi, ready to breach the facility.

Fury addressed the team, his voice firm. "Remember, capture or kill. No loose ends."

Coulson checked his weapon, nodding. "Understood. Let’s move."


On the other hand, Peter’s crew targeted a Hydra weapons depot. As their ship approached, Rocket prepared the weapons systems. "We’ve got a lot of heat signatures down there. Looks like they’re ready for us."

Howard tightened his grip on his Tommy gun. "Good. So are we."

Groot stretched his limbs, preparing for the upcoming fight. "I am Groot."

Howard cracked his knuckles, a mischievous grin on his beak. "Let’s give ‘em hell!"

Lyla, her presence calm and focused, added, "Stay together. We move as one."


Meanwhile, Peter himself stood on the edge of a dense forest, his eyes fixed on the entrance to a hidden Hydra base. The intelligence gathered had revealed that this particular location was unaffiliated with Shield, making it one of the rare, truly isolated Hydra strongholds.

Knowing that they were stretched thin with the number of targets on their list, Peter had decided to take this one on alone. He could handle it. He needed to handle it.

With a determined breath, Peter moved silently through the underbrush, approaching the base. The entrance was heavily guarded, but he wasn’t worried. He had the element of surprise, and more importantly, he had the Force.

Reaching the entrance, Peter closed his eyes for a moment, centering himself. Then, with a swift motion, he ignited his lightsaber, the black blade humming to life.

“!?” The guards at the entrance barely had time to react before Peter was upon them.

With a flick of his wrist, he sent them flying into the walls, unconscious before they hit the ground. He moved swiftly, cutting through the metal door with his lightsaber and stepping inside the base.

The interior was a maze of corridors and rooms, but Peter moved with purpose, his senses guiding him. The first wave of Hydra soldiers rushed at him, their weapons drawn. He raised a hand, and they were thrown back by an invisible force, slamming into the walls and collapsing in heaps.

Another group tried to flank him from the side. Peter didn’t even turn to look. He simply extended his hand, and their weapons flew out of their hands, clattering uselessly to the floor. A quick wave of his lightsaber and they were sent to the afterlife.

As he progressed deeper into the base, the resistance grew more desperate. Soldiers and scientists alike tried to stop him, but he moved through them like a force of nature. Blaster bolts were deflected, and bodies were sent flying with effortless precision.

Finally, he reached a heavily fortified door. Without hesitation, he used the Force to rip it from its hinges, stepping into a large, dimly lit laboratory.

The room was filled with various pieces of equipment and scientific instruments, but what caught Peter’s attention were the two heavy-duty jail cells at the far end of the room. Inside, two young teenagers huddled, their eyes wide with fear.

The boy had blonde hair, his face pale but determined. He had a thin build for his age, suggesting that he hadn’t been receiving enough nutrients to maintain his body.

[Insert picture of Pietro Maximoff here]

The girl, with brown hair, looked more fragile, her eyes reflecting a deep-seated fear. Her frame was slender, a bit too slender, similar to her brother's, and she had a cautious, almost haunted expression.

[Insert picture of Wanda Maximoff here]

‘They seem familiar…’

A/N: 2483 words :)


king gaming

I wonder if Wanda's magic is gonna be a force of thr universe like in the mcu or if it just turns out she uses a dark version of just another type of the force


Yes Peter now take Wanda then say hi to fater in law when u get back to the ship whahahahahhaha