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Okay, I just want to take a second to give all of my patrons a heads up on what's going on during the month of June. First of all, I want to apologize for the slow month. Life has been busy and between working and packing up I haven't had much time. This week, I am quitting my job, and in a few days my wife and I are throwing everything that's left into a car and moving out of Los Angeles, up to Seattle. When we get there we won't have jobs or a place of our own. We'll be scrambling to figure out our living situation and finances. Originally I was planning on having a few updates ready to sort of pad out this month, but we are moving earlier than expected, so it's unlikely that I will be able to update next month while we figure things out. I expect I may lose a few patrons due to the inactivity, but as always, you will *not* be charged if I don't make any updates. So if you'd like to continue being my patron (as I would love to continue having you!) all you have to do is sit tight until the next update. Once we find a place and get settled in I plan to hit this as hard as I can and hopefully I won't be working as much as I have been in the past. Who knows, maybe I'll hit that full-time milestone before the end of the year! Anyways... this move is very important to us, since our friends and family all live in the North West. It's where we're from. It's our home... and we've been away for far, far too long. Thank-you so much to all of you who are willing to stick with me through this move. I appreciate each and every one of you for the support and encouragement you've shown me. There will be a lot of exciting stuff from Erotibot in the near future! See you soon!



Congratulations on the whole moving, I'll be looking forward to the updates!

Taylor A Art

All the best, look forward to your return :) have fun with the move.


Best of luck! Have a safe trip.

Dexter DePaula

No send off party from the LA patreons? XD Good luck and a safe move.


You ain't losing me, that's for sure. I've been in the same situation, so I know how it's like. Sometimes life doesn't make things easy, especially to artists. I don't think Patrons should expect artists to produce stuff non stop. That's only what a few privileged, lucky ones can no, but it's in no way the norm. Get your life sorted out, and come back to us with more awesome art. I'll be looking forward to it.