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Disclaimer: All characters depicted here are 20+ years old.

A clean sketch of Haruko from FLCL, one of those early 00's animus from the same guys that gave us TTGL, which stands for Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan.

Very cool animes. You should watch them some time. Or rewatch them for that matter. I know I should, I only saw a few low quality chapters years ago. I'll get to it when I get time.

Which smoothly moves to my next point! I'm too late with (last) week update, but it's here, and it has two more things I managed to finish, one with implied boobage, and the other without any implication at all, so stay tuned!



Quiet One

Great sketch and a great anime. Haruko is a great waifu even if she's a safety hazard to be around.


I have vague memories of FLCL; I saw it when I was a kid staying up past my bedtime to see what was on Adult Swim. I've seen scenes here and there since then but never done a full rewatch of it or seen any of it sequels. But if you haven't scene Gurren Lagann I can't recommend it enough (especially if it'll lead to some Yoko sketches XD). But for real if you like a story with mechs, fun characters, some tear jerking moments, comedy and over the top action you'll love Gurren Laggan