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Disclaimer: All characters depicted here are 20+ years old.

Well you know what they say. Exams come in pairs.

Actually, I don't think anyone says that. In any case, another of Class 1-B, Reiko Yonagi, alias Poletergeist, seems to have been taken to the same facility for another, eh, endurance test.

Apparently she's passing it with flying colors! After it, she will be safely returned to her dormitory, and everything will be daijabou, don't worry about her. Who's coming next? I don't know. Maybe no one, maybe two test subjects was enough. Or maybe it's not enough.

In any case, thanks once again for your infinite patience and support. I'll get back to work, after a brief passing out session. Coming up next, more MHA, more pokeymans, more Midna, and much, much more!

Have a great week, and catch you guys later!
