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I think. If I remember correctly. Another one in the series of "take the official art and take the clotes off for fun". I think this one came out very nice! Something about the color in this one I find really appealing.


Yesterday I cut my ring finger badly. A plate was going to fall, and we can't allow a plate to break, it's better to clumpsily try and grab it, smash it agains the counter, and firmly stab myself with the newly created border.

At least it's in the left hand, so I can still work, and at worst I type by mistake an w every other time I type an s, swo it'sw okay.

Thank you once again for your infinite patience and support. 

I'll stream later for saint valentine day, after I tidy up the house a bit and change the bandage, so see you there in about... 30 to 45 minutes? I'll be here:


feel free to drop by, I'll draw some of your requests and then draw something for St.Valentine proper, maybe a Vivian? Maybe an Erin? It's been a while...



Hippo Dippo

Love the bush pattern. She's so energetic!


Gorgeous figure. I wonder when all these naturist will show up at a Pokemon convention, half heavy with ash's kids.


Hope your hand heals fast, hate when that happens


Eh, could be someone else. Lusamine did say Gladion was no virgin so....though I'm never against more good Ash pics


They are my favorites of the series. A friend of mine thought it was goku bedding all the pokemon girls.


..........Do. Not. Remind. Me. Urrrrggghhhhhhh. Those comments on Reddit drive me nuts, and the mods won't take them down as spam.


Haha I'd think it's a compliment for Ash to grow up looking like Goku. But yeah I never made that mistake. It's pretty obvious to anyone with an IQ of 2 that that's the man he'd grow up to be


The Alolan beaches have such lovely sights!😍 But more importantly sorry about the plate and I hope your hand heals fast


It would just be better to let it fall in peace, but you don't think straight during that half second I'm afraid. Thank you!