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She might not look like it at first sight, but belive me, she's perfectly alright. She might be a bit sore tomorrow but she's better than ever.       

You might think she bite a bit more than she could chew, but that's what heroes do, am I right fellas? Eh? Eh?

This one was fun to do, and also difficult. I have my reserves as it doesn't really show her face so she can be a bit difficult to identify, but that's Ochaco. I guess it's just for the fans of the show!

Thanks again for your patience, I have some more to show you for this week, more on the SFW side, just in case you want to present me to your parents, to make the process easier for you.

Again, thank you so much for your support. I don't deserve your kindness, but it's deeply appreciated and forever remembered. Stay tuned for more, and have a great week!




that's one satisfied lady!


We can tell it's Ochako because of that bodacious booty XD 👍

Gopher Chucks

Gotta get some lovin' in during the calm before the storm.

Stone Quillian III

Wait, did this happen in the prehistoric story?