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Even when you work at what you love, there are days you're gonna end up fed up with everything and looking for a way to throw all that stress off the window, some way or the other.

In this particular case we are going to use "railing". The action in which a person is railed by another in some kind of fashion. It sounds bad, but it's real good let me tell ya. 

And i'm late again! Seesh. And Febraury is just right around the corner already, and I've got some places to attend at least two different weekends. I gotta work harder. Maybe even smarter.

Thanks for the new patreons that found the way! I think I'll stream tomorrow, so feelf ree tod rop by and say hi, we will talk about whatever is going on and draw naked ladies most likely.

Thank you once again for your infinite patience and support. You're all truly wonderful. Have a good one!




Dang that's hot! I was hoping to get a Misty again! Maybe someday there will be an ash, misty, Brock. The original 3


Ash is part of the staff at the Cerulean Gym? Aww. Looks like he helps out Misty in more ways than one XD

Gopher Chucks

To be fair, most new trainers are like 10 years old.


Yet I imagine these guys are even dumber and less good at it than Ash was. For all of OS Ash's dumbness, he A: brought a Pikachu to the Cerulean Gym and B: He was actually winning even with Pikachu not battling before TR interrupted them. It wasn't really a pity badge as much as 'prematurely given even with probability high he'd take it home with him'.


He'd be more help than Misty's sisters at any case. They've literally given badges to trainers who cleaned the gym for them.