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It really is. Helps you gently work out all your body muscles, without much strain, and you will feel it working a few weeks in. I've been recommended by the guy that cracks my arm to heal it that I should give it a try. 

Instead I started jogging outside. Because coronita chan doesn't really help when having to go indoors to practice any sports. So I'm still stiff at my joints, but hey. Lost 2 kilos since I began. That's neat.

And I think the coloring in this one came out also quite neat! Jedia and her shiny Gardevoir likes to start the morning with some me-time. Who doesn't really.

Thank you once again for bearing with me and my terrible attempts at humour. You're all truly wonderful. Have a good one!




How many Poke-commers do you have at this point? Me, OC Guy, # other guys who com stuff I don't....


Thank you again Elton for this incredibly beautiful piece!