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Disclaimer: All characters depicted here are 20+ years old

For years, I've been following a more "intense lighting" system, with big contrast in between light and shade, and all the colors inbetween. So let's try to shake that up and go for a more relaxed, less intense lighting and mood with Ellie, official Patreon mascot 2021.

I've been meaning to do a "reflection" kind of work recently, so let's kill two birds with one stone.

Sorry for the delay in the update, lots of kilometers on the road last week, but here we are nonetheless!

I believe naked women with flowers are a great aesthethic. If I was born in the roman empire you bet your ass these are all the mosaics I would make for rich-people villas.

Once again. Thank you so much, for your infinite patience and support. There is a poll coming right up, so please check it up and participate in the most beautiful sport in the world, democrazy.

You are all truly wonderful.

Hope you guys like it!




This is a wonderful image and I love that Ellie is blushing like that. I would love to see more in this style. Thank you for making time to draw, even with your busy schedule!