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Remember these two from weekly set 75?


Well their lives changed quite a bit..



Samuel E. N. Furlano

I love, love, love it. I know I praise the hell out of you almost every post, but I can't help it lol. I especially like this couple. Ah, to be in love.


Wow, he gotten off nicely because “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” 🥵 Thank Goodness my fourth wife has tolerant for my dumb ass behavior. Always leave the last piece of strawberry 🍰 cake for her.


Wow that's awesome. I love this relationship.


Poor guy.. he can barely manage as it is!


Wow!!! We can only imagine if she did not control her growth, next time leave her cake alone. Loved the comic next time have her take him right to bed for punishment so she will be fullfiled and happy then grow like a monster women then tech him a lesson why he should not eat her cake.

Aisha Greyrat

Not quite what I was expecting when I read the title since I'm not sure why the wife is only growing now since both of them ate the mystery meat, but still, thank you so much for continuing this series. Any continuation of this story and skits with these two characters is welcome.


What a pleasant second surprise and it is again this particular woman! Didn’t expected any more of them since their story was finished, but this epilogue is most welcome! 😁 This fmg scene looks even better being a bit little longer and featuring even more well-done clothing destruction. And for just 8 pages, I love those little interactions and jokes you managed to bring into it despite the vast majority pages of this comic being taken up with sexy forest muscle goddess goodness. Well, I will just jump towards my favourite pages since it makes it easier to talk about the comic as a whole in this case. The first favourite has to be page 2. Our jet black haired female MC is wearing a revealing sports outfit and even mentioned she is still working out despite her new powers. And our male MC points the ridiculousness of this situation out, to his (mis)fortune. … who I am kidding, it is 110% a fortunate situation. 😜 I just love page 4. Like in the previous work, the female MC is already stunning, so she needs to get buff and big right from the beginning since there are no other options to improve her anymore. In the meantime, her clothing articles being stretched out by her increasingly growing bulk until they start being ripped apart in page 5 and finally are completely destroyed by page 6, improves the whole fmg sequence a lot. Holy shit, what a magnificent view in page 7 which is without doubt my favourite of this short comic! 😍 I might prefer my women nice, but damn her being or at least appearing all angry while her gigantic arm throws the table away creates such an exciting scene! And I just absolutely love the displayed level of muscles and rippedness! That ripped 8 or even 10 pack since her great bust does make it a bit hard to spot the top row, even when “relaxed”, her arms look incredible huge, and each biceps-head is literally as big as a freaking head and the best part is her torso here. Those massive laterals flanking her equally impressive chest muscles and her by now titantic breasts which weren’t exactly small in the first place, create such a stunning visual. It’s like a force of nature or a literal wall of muscles and not a woman is approaching our joke ripping male MC. Lmao, that fucking dialogue in the last page. I am not sure if the humour or the sexiness is stronger here. Strength and big muscles are already great on their own, but I love the added mentioned of impossible amounts of stamina and I would love to see this amazon go wild on him.