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So, for something slightly different today.

I've always stated that what is most interesting to me is the power of characters. Muscularity is obviously a great visualization of this (and I just like the way it looks of course!). There are great ways to show this without muscularity as well of course, a regular girl or a muscular girl lifting a car technically has the same appeal to me, except that I might like the muscular body more because it radiates power.

It's always said that a image conveys a thousand words, and this is true! But with a image you're never quite sure what words are exactly received by the one watching it. Probably why we use words and not images to communicate! Words can convey a different meaning then images can. 

This is why I like stories as well! I've read a lot of them about powerful characters (mostly girls) and I love them! Well, at least until they just become gory slaughter fests by some power crazy bitch..

So I decided to write my own story and add some images on top of it! You can download it below. Maybe give it a read and tell me what you think. If people like it, I might release more of it, if not, I won't, simple as that. I mostly wrote this story for myself but don't see any harm in sharing. Do keep in mind English is my second language, with the help of some people I think I've managed to squash most spelling errors or weird sentences.

And for those of you thinking: "Robo what in the bloody hell is wrong with you go make amazons!": Don't worry. This is not some change in my content, I'll still always make amazons and muscle ladies, just consider it something extra which you might or might not like!

Feedback and comments hugely appreciated! Story can be downloaded below!





Great story!


Such a good start! I definetly like this text/images parity