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So first Things First the Release Schedule for July will be back on track with a normal release Schedule. So Star and Side projects go back to normal.

7/1: Monthly Polls Will be posted

7/5: 3 Pages of "Always Looking Down", June VIP Poll Illustration, June STAR Poll Illustration

7/7-7/14: Loyalty Tier Opens for one week(More details Below)

7/9: Streaming from 6pm till 2 am PST

7/12: 3 Pages of "Always Looking Down", 2 Commissioned Pages

7/19: 3 Pages of "Always Looking Down", 2 SIDE illustrations

7/20: Monthly Polls Close

7/23: Streaming From 6 PM till 2AM PST

7/26: 3 Pages of "Always Looking down", 1 Page preview of "The Bigger the Boss THTF", 1 SIDE Illustration

So yeah a Pretty Full month ahead of us hoozah! I am going to finally jump back into Streaming now that I'm quitting my day job and I'll have the strength to do so. Now anto Announcements.


So next month I'm going to be opening my loyalty tier for one week in celebration that I've been drawing comics for one year on 7/7. (I opened my patreon in September but I was releasing comics in july) As well as letting everyone know that I'll be opening my Loyalty tier 3 times a year during certain holidays. These will be in April, July and December.

Next is that I'm setting a time limit on yearly subscriptions and will not be accepting any past July 31st. This is because in July of 2022 I have plans to reduce services on this patreon and start on a different project which will take most of my energy. I'll still make content of course for this patreon but I have other ideas I'd like to do and they will need a different platform to flourish and I'll post links on updates regarding this project as the year progresses. It won't be a size fetish story(although I will of course slip some in there) I will say it is going to be a long running comic series I've wanted to do for over a decade and feel like my skills will be good enough to accomplish this idea by next year.

Finally I want to thank everyone who has given me support! This is my passion if anyone hasn't noticed and it get's easier to do the longer I do it as I realize that drawing has always been my purpose. I'm quitting my day job to try and draw full time which terrifies me but I have a small opportunity to see If I can make it work. There is a chance I'll have to go back but regardless I will never stop drawing. So again thank you for the support and I hope everyone is excited for what comes next!

-Dela Fry Wolf


Sole Survivor II

Oh, fascinating! Look forward to hearing more about this big project!