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Bunny Girl had got slow-witted Zorzal so worked up that things are gonna go spiraling into heavy combat very soon!

I WATCH GATE AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/gate-ce311a68-cf4d-417c-902d-a188af25a6b0



Lewd Angel

For once im actually on the politicians side, you may not remember because its been a while but the current head honcho (i don't know if hes a minister? prime minister? president?) we see here succeeded the previous one after he sacrificed his career by publically resigning so the other nations couldn't blackmail him into turning over the girls from the Special Region. Now he's under the weight of all the scrutiny of the media that wants to tear him down AND the pressure of the other countries who want a slice of the new world pie. If he makes a politically fucked move, he gets torn apart, someone else wins the next election and quite possibly the Special Region becomes Russias, Chinas and Americas little resource filled playground. Its like, do you weigh the lives of a few people with what could have devestating consequences for the entire region, or do you risk letting them die to keep it stable for a while longer? Politicking and playing the media is shitty, but its necessary unfortunately


It's also not that surprising that the people of the Empire would give Lelei most of the credit for killing the Dragon. Considering the Empire was on the verge of collapse from the war with Japan. Coupled with the fact that she's the only one in the group who's a human and technically a citizen of the Empire. You could say, the people needed a hero in their time of need. It reminds me of how Marvel brought back Captain America following JFK.