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This bizarre, Nazi-heavy episode had some of the best lines yet! "I will give you SO much money to not shoot your dad!" killed me!



Henchman Twenty1

This episode takes a few watch-throughs to figure out what's going on as most of the scenes with the Venture family are in reverse order. The CCG rating is a clue as is the length of Hank's hair. That doctor that Brock went to was the one that gave Hunter his gender reassignment surgery in season 2, and S.P.H.I.N.X. used to be a villain organization akin to Cobra from G.I. Joe. We saw a montage of the O.S.I. kicking their butts in the Billy Quizboy origin story episode from last season. The O.S.I. had wiped them out so now a back-to-male Hunter and some other ex-O.S.I. guys have repurposed S.P.H.I.N.X.'s old gear. I saw a clip from a NYC Comicon from in between last season and this one and the creators seemed surprised, flummoxed and even somewhat bemused by the fact that everyone was way more concerned that they killed off 24 and not so much about the fact that Brock had quit. Both moves had everyone scratching their heads with concern and doubt, but TRUST THESE GUYS. They know what they are doing and just keep making this show better and more awesome than ever!


With rewatches it gets more painful to see how the comic is treated, especially when it's used to scoop Hitler's poop lol