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So, Hughie's boss is also Edgar's handpicked "sport"... That's rather interesting!

WATCH THE BOYS AT AMAZON PRIME VIDEO:  https://www.amazon.com/The-Boys-Season-1/dp/B07QNJCXZK



Matt Kelso

I never caught it upon first time viewing that the teleporting kid was Stillwell's kid! It explains how the baby was found safe several miles away according to the news. I'd always assumed Homelander had saved the baby, but it makes more sense the baby teleported away himself, cause why would Homelander save the baby, when he hated him? How dark!


The marketing guy who "doesn't have a dick" was in the superhero victim's anonymous group that Billy took Hughie to in season 1. He described that he was in a relationship with an ice hero, who turned her body to ice when she climaxed, while he had her dick in her, which promptly snapped off. A much less appealing prospect than Annie's eyes glowing when she climaxes.