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Somebody has to take down Smooth Face, so let's hope our watery celestial can be the one to do it!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




Okay, Cosmo is hot(physically), but I'm gonna defer to social services, The FBI, and SVU on arresting her for bad touch. Wendy is like what 14? Creepy mcghee alert! Stranger Danger! Also, this ninja executioner edge boi keeps going on about sins and crimes and blah blah blah... I'd like to file a complaint, these young wizards are being incarcerated and accused of crimes that the prosecution has not identified nor can they legally prove. I move for a mistrial and implore that they sue the kingdom of Fiore for damages and kidnapping as well as excessive force, false imprisonment, and attempted murder. See Makarov, you're getting that 30 million jewel, plus a hefty bonus! Now that's what I call tax payer dollars at work! Hope your Christmas goes well, Pervy Sensei!