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That goodbye was sweet and powerful! I love the Straw Hats leaving their flag to be flown over the land!

I WATCH ONE PIECE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRMG8ZQZR/one-piece




I hate that Yamato stayed behind, I love her! But I get the reasoning for it, so I can't be too upset =( Luffy is now an Emperor of the Sea and has officially claimed the first island under his protection!


Also how the tale of the Scabbards was told in manga triggered readers outside Japan, because the translation at the time used "Kurozumi was born to burn!" (Like you said it was meant to parallel "Oden would not be oden, if it was not boiled!"), but people thought Hiyori meant the whole clan and not singular Kurozumi (Orochi), so she was compared to Hitler... SMH


yeah, this was really obvious. for as cocksure as people were and how much they enjoyed insulting people for pointing out facts, it was obvious from the start that yamato wouldn't join. there were just too many red flags: -throughout all of wano, while yamato was busy loudly proclaiming herself as a new member of the crew, notice how luffy never once actually agreed to her joining. not once did he say "yeah, sure. you can join" or any variation of it. even jinbei pointed out that yamato wouldn't be an official part until lufy explicitly said so and he never did, so... -yamato never once interacts with any of the strawhats throughout the entirety of wano. you'd expect a new nakama to have at least some kind of interactions with the rest of crew, wouldn't you? -there isn't really any room for yamato on the ship. what would even be her role? some pointed out chronicler, but that slot's already pretty much filled out with nami and robin. do you really think nami wouldn't keep a logbook and create maps of the areas they've been to? and robin is all about preserving history, so i'm sure she's noted her adventures down too. there's really no role to fill for yamato on the ship, so why even bring her along? -as paradoxically as that may sound, her openly declaring her desire to join the crew right from the start was a mayor hint she wouldn't join. a new character declaring their desire to join and just joining without there being some kind of twist thrown in with it? just wasn't gonna happen. finally, on a more personally note, im honestly glad yamato didn't join. i have zero interested in following a character with zero personality on their own, who's only interested in apeing someone else's life. we're honestly better of without her.