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That regeneration guy has got a badass gig going! The Anne-Hughie connection might be the best defense against Homelander!

WATCH THE BOYS AT AMAZON PRIME VIDEO:  https://www.amazon.com/The-Boys-Season-1/dp/B07QNJCXZK



Damien Jackson

apologies if this was already discussed but will you be watching the spin-off gen v as well? it is a stand-alone but they’ve said that the boys s4 will begin right where gen v leaves off

Richard Sinclair

I believe the next show after this is the One Piece Live Action, as The Boys and OPLA were decided upon in a poll. Whether Gen V gets watched will likely depend on the result of another poll. Especially considering Curtis's busy schedule and people's desires for him to watch so many series. Disclaimer: I am not Curtis. This is merely conjecture on my part.