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It is with a very heavy heart that I am asking you guys to say your goodbyes to a treasured member of the GOOSH, my friend, MWS.

MWS has been battling cancer, among other issues, and has learned that he will not make it to Christmas. MWS is a friend and a true GOOSHER, through and through. My chest is  VERY heavy as I write this!

MWS has been keeping me posted on his journey, and he would really enjoy the opportunity to say goodbye to his fellow GOOSHERS 

Having the twisted sense of humor that I do, I feel I should assure everyone that this is not one of my dumb gags, but a true and honest situation.

Please take a moment to say your goodbyes and enjoy some interactions with our pal, MWS!



Brian from Scotland here just to say that I'm sorry this is what you have had to endure MWS. I can't imagine what you are going through and how this will effect your family going forward. I don't think there's anything I can say that will bring you any comfort but I want you to know that you are loved and will be missed. Between your family, your friends, this community and others there will be many lives that you have influenced one way or another, so much so that a random guy in Scotland you've never met before will be saying his own prayers, adding it to the many prayers being sent out. Many lives have been effected by your time in this world and your influence will continue long after you've gone, through the memories carried by those that knew you. Cherrish every moment you have left and endure what more you can. Take care friend.


MWS whatever comes next, We’ll be after you leaving this world. So don’t worry Brother, hope to meet you later.