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I don't know if Ultear's motives were more concern for identity or just plain jealousy, but in any event, Fairy Tail is way behind!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




The Magic council were afoot and Ultear did not want Jellal giving himself away. Their main goal is to find the source of the magic linked to Zeref; Ultear does not care about the tourny, just finding out what is going on and if Zeref is afoot or if its another brainwarped cultist. It's hard to say if Jellal would beat Jura, but it would be a close bout, I'd like to think. Day 1 was a bust, but as Natsu pointed out to Lucy, it just makes the comeback that much sweeter. The guy talking about "ripening" is a damn creep in the sub lmao. In the dub his words are much more tame and easier to sense that he's just scheming, but my god the subtitles in this version can be a bit much sometimes lol