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Nothing says the gang is recouped and ready to go like Zoro and Sanji beating the crap out of each other!

I WATCH ONE PIECE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRMG8ZQZR/one-piece



Brother E

Well here we go it's the beginning of the end! I was looking forward to seeing how you would react to seeing Sakazuki/Akainu return. The new Admiral Greenbull is on his way to Wano to pick a fight, he's a real piece of shit and a kiss ass. I really hope he gets the ass beating of a lifetime. Also since you're ahead I am sure you are aware our Final Four Emperors heading into the Final Saga and starting to see how things are beginning to unfold for the long term. As you said, lots of exciting things to look forward too!


I remember being all "Can the WG just piss off already?" The crew has been through hell enough as it is. Oh and I guess this means Apoo defected from Kaidos crew. As far as I can tell as well, Hawkins is dead. It's worth noting that even though Big Mom may be dead, Kaidos crew is basically in ruin while Katakuri would likely succeed his mother as Captain. Plus Tottoland is still functioning.