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In a story full of crazy characters, ol' Wrench-Boy might have a leg up on all of them! 




Thanks for doing 14 to continue on the OVA. (And thanks D Thunberg). Love this series

Phillip Ribbink

So a few things from the Light Novels. Isaac and Miria apparently didn't find out they were Immortal until 2001 and even then they characteristically misunderstood the situation. I guess nobody thought to explain anything to them in those 7 decades. Gustavo (Neanderthal man) actually didn't get killed by his Boss Bartolo Runorata. Instead he got stabbed by Luck Gandor (Luck drove his still regenerating arm bone through Gustavo's neck), but survived. He later has the misfortune of running into Ladd Russo in Prison. Who kills him, because as we all know Ladd loves killing guys who think there's no way they can be killed. Which fits Gustavo to a T. The fellow who wants everybody to smile is Elmer, who was on the Advena Avis with Maiza, Huey, Szilard and Czelaw two hundred ago. His whole deal is he thinks the world would be a better place if everybody smiled. So he goes around trying to make that the case. Also the crazy guy (which I know doesn't narrow it down in this show) is Graham Spectre. And honestly he's one of my favourite characters on this show. He's just so high energy that it's infectious. But he is an absolute nutjob and that's coming from Ladd, who's one to talk.