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As I've told you guys, I'm a sucker for good endings, and this one was Freakin' AWESOME!! What a fun time!

I WATCH "HAVEN'T YOU HEARD? I'M SAKAMOTO" AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/havent-you-heard-im-sakamoto



Evgeny Karimov

This anime might be short, but it just means that the joke was over before it got old. Sakamoto left the stage while he's still on top, like he always was. Episode 12's ending was more bittersweet than you thought: Sakamoto threw pie in his own face to hide his tears. When everybody was saying goodbye, you can see how sad he is for a split second. This was indeed an amazing journey. Like I said before, I didn't expect you to fall in love with this show so hard and fast. I'm glad that it made you so happy. I hope other Gooshers too.


Wow! I hadn't even thought about him doing it to hide tears; I thought it was just for comedic value... DAMN! That makes it all even MORE hard-hitting to the feels!

Andy Plays All Night

So there has been a theory that I found on reddit, that made a lot of sense, but it's just a theory - the theory that the real story behind this show is the fact that Sakamoto is actually dying. "In the manga Sakamoto is seen inside a school locker like a corpse in a casket referencing him dying. If this was the case it would make sense as to why the school would have a freshmen be the speaker for the graduating senior class. When Hayabusa asks if he had any regrets his answer implies that he has been to the nurse's office a lot of times over. Hayabusa is the only one who realizes the Mars tale was a lie for he even called him out on it and Sakamoto did not even deny it. This all leads to the fact as to why Sakamoto is so amazing. Through the whole show, he hides the fact he is dying by being cool and fabulous in front of everyone. Always being there for others while always living his life to the fullest. Why do you think he never wanted people knowing about his personal life? His farewell address seems to address this too, talking about how you respond to a choice forced upon you by charging straight ahead, and how if you can no longer believe in yourself to believe in your friends, and so on. Basically the whole thing explains how he has been facing death by living. And his talk with Fukase "If it were me I'd jump into the night sea and search for a new continent," is another metaphor for how he approaches death." Also for ep 13, they changed the opening title from Sakamoto desu ga? to Sakamoto deshita? (Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto to Haven't you heard? I was Sakamoto)