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These shitbags that are violating the female elves are in for a world of pain and death, and I am so gonna enjoy it!



Phillip Ribbink

Don't know if you picked up on it but Nobunaga has a reason for wanting to leave those corpses on the shit-pile. Saltpeter also known as potassium nitrate, which as far as I know only occurs a few ways in nature. The two that are relevant to our discussion are in the human body (the average adult human body contains 100 grams of saltpeter) and feces/manure. It's a white salt-like powder, when mixed sulfur and charcoal, makes gunpowder. Given Nobunaga's love of firearms, you can imagine his intent.


Absolutely... And it's not the intent the military so famously used Salt Peter for all those years ago! 😄