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Damn, it really sucks, losing R! nd even though she was a bitch, Hex went out like a true badass psycho!

I WATCH JORMUNGAND AT FUNIMATION: https://www.funimation.com/shows/jormungand/



Phillip Ribbink

So when I watched the series I somehow missed episode 14, and that really fills in a lot of blanks. I knew Hex was a hyper-patriot and that R worked for Bookman. And that's all I really needed to know to enjoy the series. But it is nice to have the extra details. Knowing that Hex lost a fiance during 9/11 really humanizes her. Same with R's source. The bit about her being part of an all female special ops unit was also interesting. Very The General's Daughterish. Also in case you didn't pick up on it before Hex has the same voice actor as Panty from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. Honestly works with the whole sexy spy thing Hex had going for her.

Rogue Agent

After this, I think the OP that you normally watch has a different shot related to R. Keep an eye out for it if you remember. It's just a cool minor detail to reflect that he's not in the show anymore.


I didn't catch that voicing! "Panty & Stocking" was SO insanely fun!... Even though I had to root against Hex because of her vitriol towards Koko, as you mentioned, it was easy to feel empathy for her!


The gun nerd in me still doesn't get the fucking 2022...otherwise, I love this series. The Soundtrack is awesome too.