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The groundwork of what Subaru needs to do has been laid out by the witches... Could it be Otto that facilitates the execution?!

I WATCH RE:ZERO AT CRUNCHY: https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/GRGG9798R/rezero-starting-life-in-another-world-




So ya probably forgot (or it wasn't explained in the anime, I forgot if it was) but it was actually bad for subaru to try and die in that dream world, cause he would actually die there, kinda, his mind would die, so even if he can keep coming back to a fresh body with return by death if his mind/conscience is gone then his body would just be an empty husk, so it was good that Minerva tried to save him there.


i honestly cant think of a character in all of media who has come as far as subaru in terms of character development

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

This episode was where part 1 of season 2 ended in september, and we had to wait till january for episode 39

Lewd Angel

The point the Witches wanted to get across to him was that, especially after seeing all the potential realities he left behind by dying, his life has value and that he isn't alone. The problem with Subaru so far (i say 'problem' loosely, its totally logical why he is the way he is) is that he's been relying on nothing but his own death and restart to save others and keep them from being hurt. That's all well and good, but like we've seen with the White Whale, sometimes you have to rely on others, and the Witches (and even more so Satella) wanted to convey that it's okay for him to lean on the people that care about him (which he can't fathom, hence why hes so dense about Otto and Patrasche), that they're not just side fragile side-pieces meant to be rescued, but that he should work with them to secure their future instead of throwing everything on his own back and crying that he suffers the most when he can share that with others.


I also totally forgot that! But yeah, it was explained in earlier episode.


"Let's see you grit those teeth, Sim.. I mean Subaru!"


Tbh Id be confused as subaru if some witches that I was told to be these super evil beings by nature suddenly wanted to help me mentally.

Florian Krause

That facepaint of roswaal seems to be one hell of a drug. Not sure if it gives him a speech impediment or enhancement. Imagine everyone talking like him.