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The Baby's gone, and now it looks as though Johan is tightening the noose on a lot of people!

I WATCH MONSTER AT YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3-lGEW1dbKWdGKzEqwmrlZaQa45HLBz



Brother E

I think the greatest aspect of this series is the characters aren’t black and white, each of them all share characteristics that are different shades of grey. Like in this episode we see a more vulnerable side of The Baby who just wants to be genuinely listened to and not feared. We start to learn that even the villains have more compelling layers than initially presented in the beginning of the story.

Phillip Ribbink

Honestly the Baby has come a long way, when you think about it. Could you imagine the guy who orchestrated the burning of the Turkish district, that we were introduced to way back then. Ever questioning anything that Johan did? Now he's saying it right to the face of someone like Capek. Also I'm finally coming up on the end of the show. (I started watching a long time ago and then stopped, cause life got in the way). I've got four more episodes left to go as of now, Curtis you're gonna lost your shit.

Brother E

Yes, Ruhenheim is probably one of the greatest arcs in all of anime. The last four episodes 71-74 are gonna make you go on a rollercoaster. Once you get to the end if you have any questions you can hmu on the Discord because the ending could be confusing to some people. Anyways you're gonna enjoy it rightfully so.


i was starting to feel bad for the baby