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As always, I like to keep you guys updated on everything related to our enjoyable anime watching together...  😊

My birthday is in September, and some family members gave me an early present of a trip to my beloved Disney World. My wife and I will be going down there for Labor Day weekend, from Friday to Tuesday. (I'm not sure how she gets to share in my present! 😜) I'm excited, but I got the news early so I could make arrangements for having vids prepared for The GOOSH, but I typically start earlier than this... Some long days ahead, but I don't mind; it means more anime watched daily!  😄

So, I'll be more than my usual day or two ahead on vids; just so you guys know for any conversations we have in the comments. Of course, the Disney trip we had paid for and had to reschedule due to the pandemic comes in November, so I'll be ahead often between now and Thanksgiving.

This many trips will also provide a good test as to whether I can actually get sick of Disney!

Also, for any considering any type of travel, one of the main reasons I got this is, here in the US, flights and rates at vacation spots have dropped dramatically in price, as apparently the Delta variant has caused lots of cancellations, and panic in the industry. In other words, if you have something you'd like to do, September and October might be the cheapest opportunities!

Okay, back to ANIME!!  👍👍



Take care not to catch the Delta in Disney!


Say hi to Katakuri

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

Yeah I recently just moved across the country, cause a few month ago my house caught fire due to the extremely hot weather, so I ended up moving in with a really good friend of mine I met online, but he lives in North Carolina while I lived in Washington, so we lived on opposite coasts, and I assumed the tickets would be super expensive. Turns out its was only about 300 bucks (which may sound like a lot to some but it was way less than I was expecting)


Can you give us a daily post to update us on what you exactly watched each day? That way we can avoid anyone spoiling you by accident and we can clarify anything you misunderstand the same day instead of waiting a few days later.

James West

I actually second this idea; especially since we’re soon about to enter really hype moments in One Piece, I think it’s better for everyone to be on the same page than people confused about how many episodes ahead and by accident spoil things.


Hey, nice. My birthday is also in September, so have fun for two over there!


When I'm prepping to go away like this, I watch all day, whenever I can make time. I never know exactly how many I will get to each day.


Yea, just a few weeks ago, Albany to Orlando round trip was going for right around 500 bucks... They got it at just under 200!

♡ SinonMercer ♡

happy early birthday! hope you have a great trip!

James West

yeah that is fine but You should still make a post at the end of each day of the latest episode you watched before you head to bed. That way at least if gives people time to give feedback before you start watching more episodes the next morning.


I'm not making any promises. As I said, these are long days, and I don't know that I'd remember to leave time to also post an update every evening... Plus, the first thing I do every morning at 5:30 is record the core 3 vids we're watching. I don't catch up on posts until after I do that.


oh nice, enjoy your holiday!