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Really cute story, and wow, what an absolute dirtball Sho is! I REALLY wanna see his face punched!

I WATCH SKIP BEAT AT CRUNCHY: https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/G6WE4XPJ6/skip-beat 




Skip Beat is another great one! :D Its got that great balance between being fun and having some really deep character moments. I just wish the anime felt a little more complete.

Miklar Sihn

Yeah, it feels like it is just about to really begin when you have watched it all


I love Skip Beat :) Manga is still ongoing, maybe the anime will be finished one day. It pretty much stops when the plot really starts to take off.


I love Skip Beat lol, it's one of the ones I considered sponsoring for a while, but it's anime doesn't have a proper ending so held off on it, it's a pretty popular one as well, they crowd funded an english dub for it a few years back, so who knows, maybe we could see it return one day. Really love the characters in this one, Kyoko is a really likeable crazy main character, she understands the value of hard work but she's been used by Shotaro for so long she's never got to enjoy it, Shotaro's such a self entitled brat, you might not have caught it but the plain girl he talked about his parents tried to have him marry was Kyoko, so instead he runs away and uses her as his personal maid in Tokyo, having her take multiple jobs to pay for his living expenses, meaning she was never even able to go to high school, pretty much destroying her chances of having a good life, this is after she brings up the fact Sho's family took her in when she was little, basically meaning she's always served him, just to compound how much of a scumbag he really is lol.


I also considered sponsoring it, but I'm trying to hold off on the ones that feel too incomplete. Which is a shame, because what the anime did give us was really great. If I remember correctly, the opening changes like 5 eps from the end... It definitely felt like it was gearing up for another season. It's too bad it didn't get one. I always thought it was pretty popular.


HI! Thanks for watching this! As always your reactions and commentary are joys to witness:)


the series still has a decent sized fanbase, especially in the west, there's every chance the anime could eventually come back, we are in the middle of a big revival boom for older shows right now.


I feel that it won’t come back yet because the manga is still being serialized. I hope that when the manga is complete they would bring it back in anime form because the story just keeps getting better and better.


Really? I abandoned reading the manga because the "will they, won't they" gimmick was getting old and unnecessarily milked. Does it get better? Maybe I should start reading it again...


Thanks for the kind words, My Friend!... And this was a really interesting opening couple of episodes. It always piques my interest when a character can piss me off this much, this quickly! 😄


I actually didn't manage to watch very much of the Skip Beat anime. Skip Beat is my all-time favourite manga but the animation, characterization, and especially the comedic timing all felt off to me in the anime adaptation.


There are various developments throughout, Bog-rez, including some major ones in the latest few chapters that definitely progress things, but it's a slow, slow burn. Personally, I love the series, and it's been my favourite manga for.... 11 years, maybe.... but I think my level of patience for these sorts of things might be abnormal. I'm still hoping for a conclusion to Glass Mask which hasn't had any new chapters in 9 years.