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Subaru finally finds some assistance, and now some giant-eyed thing might completely screw up everything!

I WATCH RE:ZERO AT CRUNCHY: https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/GRGG9798R/rezero-starting-life-in-another-world-



J Johnson

Most important thing in a negotiation isn't about getting what you want, it's convincing the other party that accepting the deal will benefit them as well, and Subaru sucks at doing that. Subaru does have his handy rest button in which he can redo conversations, only issue with that is the side effects of pain and mental trauma every time he uses it heh.


this episode really drives home the fact that every single insult Subaru is taking is absolutely correct


A few episodes ago, Rem mentioned it was too dangerous to travel along the highway because of a white fog that had descended upon it. Looks like Subaru and co. are now in the midst of that fog. Ol' Subaru seems to want to talk no jutsu people into helping him by virtue of being a righteous protagonist and is learning the hard way that most people just don't care. He's in a quid pro quo world and is failing to offer any back scratches in return for the one he wants. But it makes sense that a shut-in wouldn't exactly be a skilled negotiator or even a people person.


Yea, he has zero negotiating skills... Good call, though, on his background. Not the type of personality who would do well in inter=personal relationships.


Subaru takes a mental and verbal beating from all the candidates this episode, but his meeting with the caravan group at least showed he learned something from it.