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I never would have imagined feeling any empathy for Big Mom, but here we are...

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece



J Johnson

I think you may have missed the clues, Mother nun didn't abandon her, LinLin lost control when eating at the party and just ate everything around her, including her family. She never realized it. They make it slightly obvious during the manga as they have the text lines from the kids around her change from cheering to screaming. Big mom basically never grew up past being a child, there wasn't anyone strong enough to teach her self control of discipline, so she just treated the world as her toy box and throws tantrums when things don't go her way.

James West

House of the Lambs. More like Silence of The Lambs.


In a fit of passion for the delicious Semla, Big Mom had apparently eaten Mother Carmel along with her fellow orphan friends. This sudden bit of cannibalism is far darker than anything in the series so far, and that's saying quite a lot in a series full of dark backstories full of abuse and strife. So yeah, since you did not catch it, she totally ate them :P

Lewd Angel

Yeah, as others have mentioned, she wasn't abandoned. She ate the Mother and the other kids. Not that something worse wouldn't have happened had she not anyway.


Yeah the anime definitely tried to censor that scene too hard, big mom was so happy she accidentally uses conquerors haki and knocked them all out and she ate all of them along with the semla and all that's left is some of their clothes on the ground


notice how the Samla' change in size, and number with each screen after being shown, Caramel and the kids totally became a snack.


The darkest of episodes....


Ohhhhhh no. Yup it happened


Yknow you mentioning it made me remember, that video you did with banks sake was so fun, but it also made me remember, you had us send you some videos of views around us we liked, what ever happened with that? You said you were gonna do something with em.


My old ass voice has taken such a beating, I so far can't do the song I wanted to with those vids.


Something to take note of: Carmel made a being similar to Big Mom's homies(Like Prometheus and Zeus) with that fire in Elbaph. We don't know what happened to Pandora, but because Big Mom ate Carmel, she gained her Devil Fruit power.


It's probably for the best that Mother Caramel disappeared (into Linlins stomach that is) because I for one wouldn't want Big Mom as a World Government agent. But it's too bad about those kids suffering the same fate.


The island that Big Mom and Mother Caramel lived on his current day Whole Cake Island.

Brother E

Binks Sake's lyrics may be a clue to what happened to the Ancient Kingdom. Read the lyrics as a story than a song.


Ways to gain devil fruit powers: Eat a devil fruit Eat a devil fruit user Whatever the fuck Blackbeard did Maybe more to come? I mean, if they can be artificially made...


Big mom ate caramel and the other children at the table


"Character smokes so they are up to no good" What about Sanji?


We started out with hero sacrifices his arm to save a child. Now we are at child unknowingly devoured child slaver and about 12 kids....... One piece got dark


I legitimately had a feeling of dread heading into this episode because I knew what was going to happen. Charlotte Linlin ate everything. The sweets, the table, and everyone sitting around it. That's how Mother Carmel dissapeared. She ate her whole adopted familly. And she never worked it out, she never knew what she did that day, and,for some reason, I find that more scary than it being deliberate.


Let's face it, from the World Government perspective, Big Mom as a Navy Officer or a member of Cypher Poll would be a recipe for disaster. "The strongest shield for the Celestial Dragons"? No! She'd be a ticking timebomb and destroy Mary Geoise the first time a hunger pang hit her, and wipe out the majority of Celestial Dragons in the process.


" and wipe out the majority of Celestial Dragons in the process." ...on second thought damnit we need Big Mom in the World Government, asap!

Jake from SF

Silence of the lambs meets Norman Bates.


oh yeah she for sure ate them xD


completely understandable to interpret it the way how you did tho ^^


Mother Carmel said:"Geburtstag" which means "Birthday" in German. Also, Semela is definitely inspired by german backed goods.


No. She said Gevurah (Judgement in hebrew), which is a Kabbalah aspect of judgement and Chaos (thus fire. Thus the name Pandora. Gevurah represents cleansing fire, it's opposite is "Chesed" which means charity in hebrew meaning mercy representing water of life). Kabbalah is the Judiastic branch of studying the inner soul; thus the soul-soul fruit. And Semla is scandinavian not German, although it eventually spread to germany through Denmark etc.. Remember the Yiddish (Hebrew mixed with High German, the language of choice of all european Ashkenazi jews) has MAAAAANY German loan words mixed into it. So Gevurah Shtag would mean "Judgement Day"


Dude, apparently you know A Lot of Jewish history and language. But I think you're too biased. Shes clearly saying "Geburtstag" it sounds a bit weird because of the pause and of course because of the Japanese accent.