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WOW! What a beautifully told, brutally emotional story! That closing moment is one that will stay with me for good!

I WATCH ANGEL BEATS AT CRUNCHY:  https://www.crunchyroll.com/angel-beats



Anime Wulf

The suspense in waiting for this episode over the course of more than a year was painful lol


Fun little detail - the song that reborn!Kanade is humming in the stinger is one you've heard before. It's Iwasawa's "My Song", the heart-rending ballad she sings before she moves on back in Episode 3. Looks like reborn!Iwasawa's living her dream, as well!


Also, if you've noticed that some things in the show seem a bit rushed(some of the characters don't get much development, and the relationship between Kanade and Otanashi seems very rushed for some viewers), it's because the show was originally plotted as a 24-ish episode show, with all of the current plot extended along that 24 episodes. That would've left far more room for more development, both of the main pairing and of the side characters that got left as such. Think of how every character in CLANNAD got development, and imagine the possibilities Angel Beats! had. (After all, it's the same writers.) Sadly, while they were doing production, their alloted budget was cut in half, so they only got to make half the number of episodes they had originally planned for. There's been manga released that expand on the story more, and they're actually going and doing a Visual Novel series to tell the whole story as originally intended. (Unlike many other Key/Visual Arts anime adaptations, this one isn't an adaptation. The anime was the original media, whereas many of Key's other stories(Air, Kanon, CLANNAD, etc) started as VNs that got adapted to anime.)


I really wish it had gotten those extra episodes. Angel Beats has some great moments, but I've never been able to get over how rushed so much of it feels.


Oh yeah, a few more comments. (I love this show!) First, I love how foreshadowed the reveal of Kanade having Otanashi's heart is. I mean, it's in the title! (Angel Beats, or Angel['s Heart]beats). The name of the OP? "My Soul, Your Beats". Heck, look at the eyecatch in the logo and transition cards. It's the blip of a heartbeat on an EKG monitor! And the song that plays over the finale. You've also heard THAT before, but a different version. "Ichiban no Takaramono", "My Most Precious Treasure". The one you heard before was Yui's version, and it played when Yui moved on. That one had different lyrics that applied more to Yui. This one is Kanade's version.


Honestly, I hope they get another shot at an anime adaptation once they've finished the VN. It wouldn't be the first time a Key work gets multiple adaptations, and considering their track record, I highly doubt it wouldn't be a successful venture for any studio.

Johan Meyer Hector

man first time i saw angel beats i never saw the after credits so i thought it was way more sad, the after credits changes it to be a little more upliftning


You need to watch the OVA on Netflix. it's funny and worth it.

Freddy Jimenez

One of the first few shows to make me cry

Chandler LaDeau

Ah yes, an almost perfect ending to an almost perfect show. There's just one thing about it that's always bothered me....how does Kanade have Otonashi's heart in her chest if she died before he did? Long before he did. In fact, so much longer before him that all the members of the Battlefront had assumed that Kanade was just another NPC built into this world to stop them from wanting to stay forever. And not only was she in this world longer than anyone else, but Otonashi was also the last one to arrive. No matter how you slice it, the numbers just don't add up. The only idea I could come up with was that his soul what just in a state of limbo for however many years or possibly even decades that Angel had been a part of that world until eventually his soul just landed there somehow, but that doesn't make any sense. Otherwise, I absolutely love everything about this show and its ending, that one (very important, mind you) detail just always really bothered me.

Chandler LaDeau

Ah yes, an almost perfect ending to an almost perfect show. There's just one thing about it that's always bothered me....how does Kanade have Otonashi's heart in her chest if she died before he did? Long before he did. In fact, so much longer before him that all the members of the Battlefront had assumed that Kanade was just another NPC built into this world to stop them from wanting to stay forever. And not only was she in this world longer than anyone else, but Otonashi was also the last one to arrive. No matter how you slice it, the numbers just don't add up. The only idea I could come up with was that his soul what just in a state of limbo for however many years or possibly even decades that Angel had been a part of that world until eventually his soul just landed there somehow, but that doesn't make any sense. Otherwise, I absolutely love everything about this show and its ending, that one (very important, mind you) detail just always really bothered me.


That scene with them confessing will always get I don't know why 😭😭😭😭


You're assuming that time flows naturally in the afterlife lol.