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What a fascinating character Grimmer is! I'm really anxious to see what he uncovers!

I WATCH MONSTER AT YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3-lGEW1dbKWdGKzEqwmrlZaQa45HLBz




I wonder if Tenma meeting Grimmer was of coincidence or not...? I could definitely see Grimmer having planned that timing all along

Brother E

Oh, Grimmer!! I love his character, this dude is definitely a big bag of mysteries just you wait to find out more about him. Also yes, Grimmer knew he was being scammed. He’s a spy so he’s definitely good at perceiving deception

Phillip Ribbink

Grimmer kind of reminds me of Lieutenant Colombo. Someone who acts like he's a few crayons short of a box. So much so that you'd never know they were a competent detective or in Grimmer's case that he was in fact a East German Spy.


Grimmer is a very interesting character and I love his introduction here. It perfectly sets him up as this mysterious guy, whose demeanor is so friendly that it even charms the viewer.