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DAMN! I don't want this to pause! At least we have Mark as a dedicated hero. I still would rather see him with Eve, though!





I disagree. I think this might be exactly the event he needed to trigger a change.

J Johnson

I like Cecil, he's an asshole but he's doing his best to keep the world safe while being a normal human when having to deal with super human threats on a daily basis. He's kind of like Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond just with more government support. Also, good news everyone, season 2 and 3 already confirmed! Can't believe series got snubbed by the Emmy's and didn't get a nomination for best animated series, they stuck with series that had already been out for years. I don't even watch award shows but that pissed me off heh.


I agree on Cecil. My initial impressions were that he was a dick, but I completely get him now.

Sean PaulT60

Finally Over, it was a fun ride but I can't wait for the next thing Curtis will watch, from what I read several posts ago apparently RE:Zero is next which if it is true i am very excited for.


Will u be rewatching the unavailable G100 Re:Zero episodes? Also will u be watching directors cut?

Michael Aagaard Nielsen

Amber just had to get one last tone deaf remark in. In her mind, Mark not telling her he's a superhero for the 5 months they were together, is equal to, Nolan lying to Mark for a decade or more. (I can't remeber if we were told how old Mark was when Nolan told him the "truth")

Lewd Angel

Apparently, Patreon deleted my entire message on the previous video, alright in the end as i didn't say anything not already mentioned but that was weird. Amber once again trying realllllllly hard to push that "Its all Mark's fault" narrative, or rather the writers were. That whole situation is probably the only stain on an otherwise spotless series, i don't know what they were expecting but i certainly hope it wasn't that the fanbase would rally behind Amber. Sad to see the series go for now, but now that we're off to Re Zero i am once again pumped up, you saw a bit of it through Goosher 100s, i hope you remember it or can rewatch it really quick to refresh your memory. I also need to watch S2 on my own before you reach it. Prepare to be mentally beaten up as if you had just tried to walk through Detriot at midnight.

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

https://mega.nz/folder/WuwwhAob#YmoMHHl5lBYLr5Zy9FsIag The Re: Zero episodes got reuploaded here, they're just under the G100 tag instead of Re: Zero cause there was also some of MarvelKnight's g100s in that folder. But I guarantee he's gonna rewatch the ones he already saw to refresh his memory

Brother E

It’s a Patreon glitch, certain symbols and words make the system go bonkers and stops certain messages from being posted. Just for future reference, try to edit your message if that ever happens again, especially if it’s you’re copying/pasting it on here.

Lewd Angel

Its difficult to say something like this after what happened last episode, but really Nolan wasn't a bad father, before he went completely batshit that is. And truth of the matter is, as much as he wants to rant about Viltrum being superior and humans being inferior, he was genuine as a family man. He raised his son well, he taught him good important things as a superhero, how to not let victories or losses turn him arrogant or depressed, how to balance superhero life and normal life, how to control his own power. The series just did a great job at only making you see that in retrospect because during all of that you're always suspicious of him because of what he did to the Guardians


Is it weird that I actually like (like not condone) omni man alot more than mark.


It helps being voiced by J.K. Simmons. Just gives him a sort of charisma.


I haven't read the comics and don't plan to, but from what I've heard, the show is doing things slightly different. As in the author is using the show to correct little things that were less than satisfactory the first time around. One example that I've seen brought up is that in the comics, Omniman took out the Guardians quickly with little resistance and then just left. In the show we get a full fight and Omniman collapsing at the scene added to the intrigue.


2 more season in the works. Also the whole Viltrumite being the master race might be real cause there doesn’t seem to be much that can stop them other then they haven’t bothered to breed as frequently.


And in the comics Nolan killed the guardians in I believe issue 9, meaning there were 8 issues where he seemed completely normal, then he kills them and 3 issues later he fights mark and leaves, so there was no suspense of people finding out or WHY he did it, it just suddenly happened and a couple issues later we learn