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The hesitation on Jonah was one thing, but Tenma really needs to pull the trigger now!

I WATCH MONSTER AT YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3-lGEW1dbKWdGKzEqwmrlZaQa45HLBz



Florian Krause

Well that book sounds like the typical german bedtime story for children.


But if Tenma pulls the trigger he loses the ideological battle.

Brother E

One of the best episodes in all of anime!

Phillip Ribbink

You know it's weird but when I was watching this. I hated Roberto a lot more than I hated Johan. Johan is someone who's motivations you can't comprehend. Which while I perceive him as a threat, it's not out of hatred that I wish him dead. Roberto on the other hand is just a psychopathic dickhead, who's easy to hate.

Rogue Agent

That lady is the same one that posed as the 'wife' when talking to Dr. Reichwein. She was complaining about her 'husband', who turned out to be Roberto. So it looks like her and Roberto are both working for Johan. BTW, I loved how right at the end, Tenma became more determined to shoot as soon as he saw Roberto's expression change into a more monstrous one.