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There's a LOT of things that could transpire while Mark's gone to Mars. Not many of those things will have a positive impact!




Sean PaulT60

Ya know that pyramid thing in the beginning. Was that interesting? Well you aren't gonna see any of that in this season. Yea, like the White house guard father and son, that stuff is really, really on the side lines and is probably just stuff being set up for next season. I don't mind it cause it doesn't take up that much screen time.

Sean PaulT60

Yea, with the relationship stuff I definitely prefer Eve. Sure Amber is a good person (which might be a problem for me right now) but I like Eve since A. She's a super hero and B. She's dealing with problems right now and it makes me want to root for her. From Rex cheating to whatever is going on with her parents as she mentioned before Mark left for Mars, I think she has a lot more room to grow which I think so far is Ambers issue. Ok so far with Amber, she seems to have a lot of good traits, like I'm not seeing many negative traits or mistakes. So far she's been pretty much perfect of course that could change later but I just wanted to take notes on that now before anything big happened later down the line.


I'm like 99% sure the mummy stuff will never show up again, the tomb closed. It was to show that Mark and Nolan are so strong that just flying by the mummy's tomb was enough to stop it