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Yes, I know that's an understatement, but why is Super Daddy killing all the other heroes, but then valiantly saving the world?!




Lewd Angel

"You don't seem to understand, Earth isn't yours to conquer" A fun fact about this episode, since time moved differently on the Flaxxan's world, he spent around 8 months genociding their species. The few future generations that were left named him 'The Destroyer'. Also another fun fact, the music that played while he was doing it is called 'Holy Fuck' by TomTom, which is very appropriate to what we were all thinking while watching that scene


Omni man isn’t confusing, his goal is rather simple. I figured it out on episode one, he may be as strong as Superman but he definitely isn’t Superman


I still find it funny that Mark goes out of his way to rip of the Flaxans chest plate only to punch him in the face 😂😂😂


Also I want you to keep in mind, every time the opening “Invincible” they keep adding more blood 🩸

Sean PaulT60

Ohmi-man is the biggest highlights of this season especially trying to figure out his motivations and why he acts the way he acts. You are just now seeing him act more callous and unfeeling to other people and about normally sensitive topics. Like the lady Mark saved dies and all he says is, "It's part of the job." which wouldn't be so bad since he's right. However he follows it with "Let's go eat lunch, i'm starving." Showing a more unfeeling side he's seemed to be hiding thus far. Just some observations I made during this episode.


I think One-Eyed Space Dude came to Earth before thinking it was Urath, and Omni-Man kicked his ass without much effort (and considering we just saw him genocide an entire planet he probably didn't bother to talk to Space Dude ) so he had to flee without realizing his mistake about having the wrong planet. Urath is probably still waiting for their evaluation.

Cetacean Needed

The voicework in this series is solid. JK Simmons as Omniman, Steven Yeun as Invincible, Gillian Jacobs as Atom Eve. There's even Mark Hamill as Art (the costume guy), Seth Rogan as Allen the Alien this episode, and his character hasn't shown up yet, but there's Michael Dorn (aka Lieutenant Worf) later on. Just to name a few of course.

Charlie baker

The viltrumites seem like saiyans modeled after kryptonians ,atleast that was my thought when i watched before i read the whole comic run between ep 4 and 5 airing

Cetacean Needed

I'd like to confirm or deny that the comparison is apt, but it gets spoilery real fast for the folks who haven't read the comics or finished the season. However, I can say that I like the comparison. I'm just waiting for when the series gets to... the purple guy (you know who I mean). Him and all the things that happen surrounding him are going to be hilarious to watch people's reactions.


I finally caught up to you and everyone with this show ^^ it's funny. I never thought I'd be rooting for omni-man but him taking out those interdimensional guys was pretty great xD maybe because they kept coming back so many times lol


Just gotta say, nobody deserves William. Tells it like it is, makes a mean lasagna, isn't competition unless you swing that way and doesn't just try to hook you up with one girl, he tries to hook you with any and all fish that swim too close. I wish I had a William.


I know I'm late to the party, but to me, Donald is adult Bobby Hill and my mind is set on that...